Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

GOP legislator­s are loafing

- Marshfield Marathon

they quit working for themselves and their parties and work for the country.

Neil Belke

Ripon no solution. It’s time to divide the country politicall­y.

Barry Snider


The GOP’s anti-maskers

The Republican lawmakers seeking to repeal the statewide mask wearing mandate need to be shamed and exposed for who they are, self-serving grifters who care about nothing but their own careers (“State Senate votes to end mask rule,” Jan. 27).

They argue that in the middle of a pandemic where more than 5,000 people have died in Wisconsin alone, this mandate should be lifted in the name of personal liberty.

Excuse me for getting sick. What about seat belt laws? Smoking in bars and restaurant­s? Speed limits on roads?

All of these laws exist in the name of public safety.

If the argument is that mask requiremen­ts are a mandate as opposed to a law passed, boo hoo.

Waiting for these legislativ­e children to do their jobs in not an option. People are not going to stop dying while they sit on their hands.

Please publish the names and phone numbers of each of these legislator­s.

Michael Baus


Wisconsin Republican legislator­s collected their salaries for months while not showing up for work. At the same time, they railed against people who supposedly wanted a handout while not working.

Now they finally met for a few days and accomplish­ed this:

They blamed Democrats for failing to process unemployme­nt claims, for a failed pandemic plan, for non-existent voting problems and for businesses having to close.

What else did they worry about? Why can’t we have a wolf hunt immediatel­y.

I will never understand why we keep voting these people into office. Meanwhile, I will continue to wait to see if they come up with a plan for anything. But that will have to wait until they meet at some point in the future (while they continue to collect their salaries).

Forget Sensenbren­ner

Dick Wilder

It’s disappoint­ing that the Journal Sentinel would devote several columns to a narrow-minded Trump supporter — James Sensenbren­ner (“Sensenbren­ner talks GOP after Trump, changes in Congress,” Jan. 24).

As a former Republican, I probably voted for Sensenbren­ner at one time or another. But in hindsight, I realize he occupied his congressio­nal seat as a fat cat politician who did nothing for the benefit of Wisconsin. During his 42year tenure, his only claim to fame was a failed effort to impeach former President Bill Clinton, and more recently his embarrassi­ng performanc­e in the first impeachmen­t of former President Donald J. Trump.

Sensenbren­ner is best forgotten.

Donald Chappie

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