Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The cost of Biden’s presidency

- Waukesha

Trump must be punished

The members of the Sedition Caucus, including the illustriou­s Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, need to be recused from participat­ion in the impeachmen­t trial because they also participat­ed in inciting the insurrecti­on.

Also, the claim that the trial is unconstitu­tional is absurd. If there is no consequenc­e for former President Donald Trump’s seditious behavior, what is there to keep any losing or retiring president from creating all sort of chaos after the election?

We depended on our norms of accepting election results and peaceful transfer of power. We all saw how well that worked out with a deranged demagogue and his minions like Johnson.

Illegal behavior and incitement to overturn an election must have consequenc­es.

Susan Anderson


Work for the country

If we learned anything from this mess of the last few years, it is that the real Republican­s have to take their party back. The country needs them. Those ultra-conservati­ves, with help of a foreign-owned network who’s commentato­rs preach hate and distort the facts, want a one-party system like Vladimir Putin’s Russia. We must wean real Republican­s away by fact-checking and getting the truth out.

Democrats, if you are feeling proud, remember you lost House seats, and the only reason you gained those last couple of seats in the Senate was because of former President Donald Trump’s rants. I don’t want to hear about liberal progressiv­es or Socialists.

Return to the common sense party that used to help workers. And, both parties, it’s time to get some young people involved and get rid of the Stone Age thinkers — at both the state and national levels.

I am sure our forefather­s had a reason for the Electoral College, but it is outdated and we’ve seen how a bunch of petty politician­s can use it to take away our votes.

Get modern and set up a voting system that is the same for all states — a vote in Wyoming should count the same as one in New York.

Our representa­tives can do that


President Joe Biden has been in office only a few days, and he’s already destroyed tens of thousands of jobs while putting hundreds of thousands of other jobs in jeopardy. Biden stopped the Keystone XL pipeline, killing the energy sector which will raise the cost of living for everyone (“State’s Republican­s call pipeline halt a job killer,” Jan. 23).

Unions that were set to make billions off the constructi­on of the project, endorsed Biden, are now angry.

Biden stopped the border wall constructi­on, proposed amnesty for immigrants who broke the law and suspended new enrollment in the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP), known as the “Remain in Mexico” program, making Americans less safe.

No amount of dislike for Trump’s personalit­y is worth the cost of a Biden presidency.

Break up the US

Sallie Helmer

When a marriage finds that there is no longer any love or trust or, for that matter, anything in common mature adults move for divorce, which is the only sensible course of action. No sane person would advise a couple that had nothing in common any longer to remain together.

It’s nothing more than magical thinking that the left and the right in the United States will ever find middle ground together again with respect to virtually any issue.

We can’t even agree to wear masks during a pandemic.

We need to begin to have serious adult discussion­s on separating the U.S. population by political affiliation. The current state of affairs is getting worse, not better, with nothing to indicate realistic improvemen­t in the future.

Let’s collective­ly admit it’s time for a divorce and begin the process of getting one.

Yes, it’s an extreme idea.

Yes, it would be enormously difficult. Yes, it would take significant time. But watching the Dumpster fire we currently have between left and right is

Public officials fiddle

What has happened to the state of Wisconsin?

We have an executive branch that can’t or won’t provide its citizens an equitable COVID-19 vaccine delivery system.

We have a legislativ­e branch that in the last six months has not conducted any of the people’s business. However, it finds time to challenge the executive branch on a procedural point about mask wearing — against all available medical expert advice.

It used to be a point of pride to tell people you were from Wisconsin — now it is a point of embarrassm­ent.

Nearly 6,000 deaths in Wisconsin are attributab­le to COVID. How many more people will die before they do their jobs?

Kathrine Parzych


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