Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Also on this date


was In 1870, establishe­d. the U.S. Weather Bureau

In Staff 1942, held the its U.S. first Joint formal Chiefs meeting of to coordinate World War II. military strategy during

In Guadalcana­l 1943, the World in the War southwest II battle Pacific of Japanese ended with forces. an Allied victory over

In West 1950, Virginia, in a speech Sen. Joseph in Wheeling, McCarthy, R-Wisconsin, charged the State Department was riddled with Communists.

In 1960, Adolph Coors Co. chairman Adolph Coors III, 44, was shot to death in suburban Denver during a botched kidnapping attempt. (The man who killed him, Joseph Corbett, Jr., served 19 years in prison.)

In 1962, an agreement was signed to make Jamaica an independen­t nation within the British Commonweal­th later in the year.

In 1964, the Beatles made their first live American television appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” broadcast from New York on CBS.

In 1971, the crew of Apollo 14 returned to Earth after man’s third landing on the moon.

In 1986, during its latest visit to the solar system, Halley’s Comet came closest to the sun (its next return will be in 2061).

In 2002, Britain’s Princess Margaret, sister of Queen Elizabeth II, died in London at age 71.

In 2020, “Parasite,” from South Korea, won the best picture Oscar, becoming the first foreign-language film to take home the biggest honor in film.

Ten years ago: Thousands of workers went on strike across Egypt, adding a new dimension to the uprising as public rage turned to the vast wealth President Hosni Mubarak’s family reportedly amassed while close to half the country struggled near the poverty line. Five years ago: President Barack Obama unveiled his eighth and final budget, a $4 trillion-plus proposal freighted with liberal policy initiative­s and tax increases. One year ago: U.S. officials said airline passengers from China were being funneled to 11 airports to receive medical screening and treatment for the coronaviru­s. New coronaviru­s cases were reported in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, the U.K. and Spain.

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