Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

WI residents scramble to get last Walking Liberty Rolls


Once Wisconsin residents got wind that Wisconsin State Restricted Bank Rolls filled with Silver Walking Liberties dating back to the early 1900’s were being handed over, there was a mad dash to get them. That’s because some of these U.S. Gov’t issued silver coins are already worth hundreds in collector value. “It’s like a run on the banks. The phones are ringing off the hook. That’s because everyone is trying to get them before they’re all gone,” according to officials at the National Mint and Treasury who say they can barely keep up with all the orders. In fact, they had to impose a strict limit of 4 Wisconsin State Restricted Bank Rolls. So, if you get the chance to get your hands on these State Restricted Bank Rolls you better hurry because hundreds of Wisconsin residents already have and you don’t want to miss out. You see, the U.S. Gov’t stopped minting these Silver Walking Liberties in 1947 and there can never be any more which makes them extremely collectibl­e. And here’s the best part. The rolls are unsearched so there’s no telling how much they could be worth in collector value. That’s why at just the $39 state minimum per coin set by National Mint and Treasury it’s a deal too good to pass up. But you better hurry because these Wisconsin State Restricted Bank Rolls are the only ones known to exist and Wisconsin residents are grabbing them up as fast as they can. That’s because they make amazing gifts for children, grandchild­ren and loved ones. Just imagine the look on their face when you hand them one of the State Restricted Rolls — they’ll tell everyone they know what you did for them.

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