Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Committee re-approves map Barrett vetoed

Aldermanic districts forwarded to the full council, but still face pushback from Latino, Muslim leaders

- Vanessa Swales

Milwaukee’s Judiciary and Legislatio­n Committee has decided to move forward with a previously vetoed aldermanic map, voting to again forward that map to the full Common Council.

The map, which had been approved by the Milwaukee’s Common Council and subsequent­ly vetoed by thenMayor Barrett in December, faced pushback from Latino leaders and residents alike throughout the redistrict­ing process over fears it would deny the city’s growing Latino population proper representa­tion, as well as a possible third majority district.

During a more than seven-hour meeting into the evening Monday, the committee was tasked with redrawing Districts 13 and 14, on Milwaukee’s south side.

But after deliberati­ng for more than four hours in closed session, committee members came back with a decision that surprised many present: they would be recommendi­ng Map A — the map that had been previously approved by the Common Council.

For the City Attorney’s office, which advised the committee throughout its decision-making process, Map A was the only map that would be legally enforceabl­e and would not violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act nor the Equal Protection Clause in the United States Constituti­on.

While Judiciary and Legislatio­n Committee’s Chairman Ashanti Hamilton likened the roundabout process to the Twilight Zone, having gone through months of work and community efforts to end up with the same map as before.

“I got to formally apologize to everybody for the amount of time that we spent on this today only to end up back where we were months ago,” he said.

The map includes majority Latino Districts 8 and 12, Black majority Districts 1, 2, 6, 7, 9 and 15 and white majority Districts 3, 4, 11, 13 and 14. There are two districts — Districts 5 and 10 — which do not have a single demographi­c majority.

Latino leaders decry new map

Revision after revision, concerns about Latino and Hispanic representa­tion across the city have been raised by advocates and local officials alike. Former Mayor Tom Barrett’s veto before he left office was seen as an opportunit­y to create maps that they felt would best

represent the city’s growing Latino population­s.

According to U.S. Census Bureau data, Latinos and Hispanics represent 20.1% of the city’s population.

Forward Latino and Voces de la Frontera, two statewide organizati­ons that support Latino and immigrant rights, proposed maps that were reviewed for Monday’s meeting.

Both organizati­ons hoped to create a third majority district in Ald. Scott Spiker’s 13th Aldermanic District, the city’s southernmo­st district.

But their hopes were dashed with the late-night decision.

Milwaukee’s Assistant City Attorney, Kathryn Block, noted that these efforts to incorporat­e Latino districts of influence were not necessary to fulfill the requiremen­ts of the Voting Rights Act.

“They might be considered a good or a nice-to-have, but they are not a requiremen­t,” Block said.

Block also said that the creation of a minority-majority district might violate the Voting Rights Act, as it would dilute existing majority-minority voting districts to a significant enough degree that it was “problemati­c.”

Latino community members and leaders issued statements, dismayed by the city’s recommenda­tion of a map that would not offer as much Latino representa­tion as they had hoped for.

“It is a disgrace that the Judiciary and Legislatio­n Committee has failed to uphold democratic principles and not move forward with a map that accounts for the dramatic growth of Latinx residents in the city of Milwaukee and their ability to have greater representa­tion as a community of interest,” said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Voces de la Frontera’s Executive Director.

“We think Alderman Spiker simply wants to maintain a conservati­ve majority-white district and essentiall­y claiming reverse discrimina­tion,” she added, also thanking District 14’s Ald. Marina Dimitrijev­ic “for trying sincerely to work for larger representa­tion that would have significantly impacted her own district. “

Neumann-Ortiz said her organizati­on would be evaluating the City Attorney’s opinion and consider its own legal options.

District 8 Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa, one of the three Latino Alderperso­ns on the 15-member Milwaukee Common Council, called the committee meeting a “farce.”

Blaming the “poor advice” from the Office of the City Attorney, Zamarripa said members of the Judiciary and Legislatio­n Committee, elected representa­tives of Milwaukee’s Latino community, and community advocates had been “hoodwinked” and “were led to believe that we could draw a more diverse map for Milwaukeea­ns, in particular on the city’s south side.

“The City of Milwaukee failed ALL of its immigrant and refugee communitie­s as they were left with less tonight than when the day began,” she said.

Pushback from the city’s Muslim community

Despite pledges from Latino leaders to assure they would not compromise the representa­tion of other community groups with their map proposals, several members of Milwaukee’s Muslim community disagreed.

Members of the Muslim community stepped up for the first time during Monday’s meeting to voice concerns about the impacts of the granting too much Latino representa­tion in the south side districts, potentiall­y dividing the city’s smaller minority communitie­s between the two districts.

The U.S. Census does not ask questions nor collect data about religion, meaning there is no official government­al count of the Muslim population in the United States. Advocates, however, estimate that the city has somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 Muslim residents — a group that has a diverse racial and ethnic makeup.

“We are a very highly diverse community, although we’re not properly identified ethnically,” said Janan Atta Najeeb, President of Milwaukee’s Muslim Women’s Coalition, noting that her community has a “vibrant” presence in District 13.

People of Middle Eastern or North African (MENA) descent, which includes Arab Americans, are officially categorize­d as white in race and ethnicity data released by the Census Bureau and other agencies.

Many Islamic advocates as well as Ald. Spiker voiced concerns granting more representa­tion to the Latino communitie­s in District 13, would be detrimenta­l to the current Muslim population, which is seeing growth due to the growing Burmese and Rohingya numbers as well as the resettleme­nt of Afghan refugees.

“We also have aspiration­s as a community and this is the only district that will really help us eventually fulfill those aspiration­s,” Najeeb said, referring to District 13.

What happens next?

While Latino advocates are seeking legal options to fight back the decision made by the Judiciary and Legislatio­n Committee, the recommende­d Map A will be re-reviewed by the City Attorney’s office for legality and enforceabi­lity purposes.

If there are no issues, the map will be sent to the Common Council for approval on Jan. 18. An affirmative vote would send it to Acting Mayor Cavalier Johnson for either his signature or veto. In his dual role as acting mayor and common council president, Johnson would not vote during council proceeding­s.

Johnson, who assumed his role as acting mayor when Barrett resigned to begin his post as ambassador to Luxembourg, is also running to complete the final two years of Barrett’s term.

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