Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump wants civil suits over Jan. 6 tossed out

Plaintiffs argue speech not protected by position

- Ashraf Khalil

WASHINGTON – Attorneys for former President Donald Trump and his associates argued Monday that incendiary statements by Trump and others last Jan. 6 prior to the Capitol riot were protected speech and in line with their official duties.

In response to civil suits running parallel to Congress’ own Jan. 6 inquiry, Trump’s lawyers claimed he was acting within his official rights and had no intention to spark violence when he called on thousands of supporters to “march to the Capitol” and “fight like hell” to disrupt the Senate’s certification of the 2020 election results.

“There has never been an example of someone successful­ly being able to sue a president for something that happened during his term of office,” said Trump lawyer Jesse Binnall. “That absolute immunity of the presidency is very important.”

The five-hour hearing in Washington before U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta concerned Trump’s attempts to have the civil suits dismissed. Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California brought one of the suits against Trump and a host of others, including Donald Trump Jr., Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, Alabama Republican Rep. Mo Brooks and right-wing group the Oath Keepers, charging responsibi­lity for the violent breach of the Capitol building by Trump supporters.

The other lawsuits, brought by Democratic representa­tives and two Capitol Police officers, claim that statements by Trump and Brooks on and before Jan. 6 essentiall­y qualify as part of a political campaign and are therefore fair game for litigation. Plaintiffs are seeking damages for the physical and emotional injuries they sustained during the insurrecti­on.

“What he spoke about was a campaign issue, seeking to secure an election,” said Joseph Sellers, one of the attorneys representi­ng Swalwell’s suit. “This was a purely private act.”

Sellers said Trump’s statements were an overt and unambiguou­s call for political violence.

“It’s hard to conceive of a scenario other than the president traveling down to the Capitol himself and busting through the doors … but of course he did that through third-party agents, through the crowd,” he said.

Binnall argued that Trump’s calls to derail the Senate vote certification process were in line with any executive’s right to comment or criticize a coequal government branch.

“A president always has the authority to speak on whether or not any of the other branches, frankly, can or should take action,” he said, referencin­g cases where former President Barack Obama publicly commented on Supreme Court decisions.

Mehta repeatedly cut off lawyers on both sides with questions and challenges.

Giuliani lawyer Joseph Sibley at one point stated, “There’s simply no way you can construe the statements that were made by any of the speakers to be an invitation to join a conspiracy to go to the Capitol and commit crimes.”

Mehta immediatel­y asked, “Why not?”

The judge then referenced Trump’s own Jan. 6 speech in detail.

“His last words were ‘go to the Capitol’ and before that it was ‘show strength’ and ‘fight.’ Why isn’t that a plausible invitation to do exactly what the rioters ended up doing?” Mehta asked. “Those words are hard to walk back.”

Brooks has invoked the Westfall Act, a statute that protects federal employees from being sued over actions taken while performing their official duties. However, Justice Department lawyer Brian Boynton told the court that Brooks should be denied such protection.

The fact that Brooks was “advocating for the election of President Trump with these remarks at a Trump rally does make this a campaign activity,” Boynton said.

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