Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Q&A: Experts offer advice on omicron with children

- Amy Schwabe and Rory Linnane Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

As omicron surges in Wisconsin, much about the pandemic feels exhausting­ly familiar for parents: rising case counts, school closures and battles over masks. But there are new factors to consider, including mass vaccinatio­ns, a variant with new patterns and different health guidelines.

As parents try to navigate a third pandemic school year, experts answered some common questions.

Is omicron causing more hospitaliz­ations of kids than previous variants?

Dr. Michael Gutzeit, chief medical officer at Children’s Wisconsin, said there has been an increase in hospitaliz­ations of children as a result of the latest wave of COVID-19. A big reason is that omicron has caused an increase in rates across all age groups, and a correspond­ing increase in hospitaliz­ations.

Gutzeit also noted that many kids who are being hospitaliz­ed are being hospitaliz­ed “with COVID, not for COVID.” They come to the hospital for different reasons and are then also found to be positive for COVID infection.

That differs from the situation among adults who are admitted to hospitals with severe cases of COVID.

“The vast majority of (adults) in our hospitals with COVID are there because they have COVID,” noted Robert Citronberg, the executive medical director of infectious disease and prevention at Advocate Aurora. “All of our patients in our intensive care units with COVID are there because they have COVID.”

Does omicron cause more serious disease in kids than previous variants?

Dr. Smriti Khare, president of primary care at Children’s Wisconsin, said they have not seen children get more ill with omicron than they have with previous variants. She also emphasized that data is still new and being monitored.

Although children typically handle COVID-19 infections better than adults do, she challenged the narrative that COVID is not serious for children. Some children have died of COVID, and there have been other complicati­ons, including multi-system inflammatory syndrome and long-haul COVID.

How is the continuing pandemic affecting children’s mental health?

Khare said the ongoing pandemic has been devastatin­g for children’s mental health, noting that Children’s Wisconsin has seen an increase of up to 40% in emergency room visits for mental health reasons.

“We need to think of this pandemic broadly as a public health issue,” Khare said. “The better we handle COVID, the better our children will be able to get

back to some degree of normalcy.”

She noted that parents can visit shinethrou­gh.childrensw­ for resources related to mental and behavioral health.

“I would also suggest that we need to think in broader terms of how COVID is affecting kids,” Khare said. “Many caregivers of children have had serious illnesses, and tens of thousands of children have lost a caregiver to COVID. That takes a significant toll on children’s mental, behavioral and emotional health.”

What conditions can cause illness to be more severe in kids?

Khare said children who are not vaccinated (including children under 5 who are too young to be vaccinated) are at higher risk for severe illness or hospitaliz­ation if they contract COVID-19. She also said any significant underlying illnesses, especially diseases that are respirator­y or cardiac, cause children to be higher risk. Children who are immune-compromise­d for any reason, including due to cancer therapy, blood disorders that compromise immunity and because they’re taking immunosupp­ressant medication­s, are at higher risk for severe illness or hospitaliz­ation.

She added that if parents have been told by their doctors that their children are vulnerable to viral illnesses for any reason, they are also more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Should schools be open?

Some schools, despite implementi­ng safety measures, have found so many teachers are COVID positive that they can’t safely supervise students in person.

Gov. Tony Evers has encouraged schools to stay open in-person when possible by using every tool to limit COVID spread, including requiring masks, using a state testing program and hosting vaccine clinics.

Khare noted that the lack of social connectedn­ess caused by school shutdowns has been a key reason for the increase in children’s mental health struggles, as well as increased academic difficulties.

“We all believe children do better in the school setting,” Khare said. “Local school districts have worked with public health department­s to follow CDC and DHS guidelines to find the best possible way to keep children in school.”

Khare said she and Gutzeit meet with school administra­tors on a regular basis to provide up-to-date medical knowledge to make sure kids can stay in school and stay safe.

Gutzeit emphasized the importance of strategies that have been recommende­d since the start of the pandemic to keep schools open — wearing masks, social distancing, quarantini­ng when necessary and washing

A graphic from the Milwaukee Health Department shows when those 12 and up are eligible for booster shots.


What should parents know about COVID-19 tests?

Gutzeit said PCR tests are considered the most accurate.

“We use them at Children’s and send them to labs to get the most accurate answer,” he said.

Gutzeit said antigen tests, such as most at-home tests, have a higher incidence of false negatives, but they can provide accurate results and have other benefits.

“Antigen tests can provide accurate results and be run quickly in the convenienc­e and comfort of your own home,” Gutzeit said. “You get results quickly, and they can give guidance in terms of the next steps.”

Gutzeit said if an antigen test is positive, a PCR test will also likely be positive. If an antigen test is negative, it’s possible that a person still has COVID-19, and if a person develops symptoms, they should retest or get a PCR test.

When should a student quarantine, and for how long?

New guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allow for shortening isolation periods from 10 days to five for those who test positive if they continue to mask strictly for the following five days.

The CDC also recommends a five-day quarantine followed by five days of masking for anyone unvaccinat­ed who’s had close contact with someone who tested positive. Those who are vaccinated are not advised to quarantine unless they develop symptoms or test positive, but they should mask strictly for 10 days regardless.

State health officials have supported the shortened periods. Some schools have chosen to maintain longer isolation and quarantine periods, noting

the impossibil­ity of enforcing strict masking in schools, where students need to eat lunch and don’t always comply perfectly with mask requiremen­ts.

What are recommenda­tions with regard to masking?

Gutzeit said the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends universal masking in schools, and he said it’s especially important to follow that guidance when we’re in a time and area of high transmissi­on.

Evers and state health officials have urged schools to require masks to reduce COVID spread, though many schools have opted not to do so.

With the omicron variant being especially contagious, health experts have also recommende­d students and staff upgrade their masks when possible. Milwaukee Public Schools administra­tors said they have placed orders for 682,400 child-sized KN95 masks and over 1.3 million adult KN95 masks.

“This is a far more transmissi­ble, far more contagious variant, and that means you need to step up your masking,” said Dr. Ben Weston, Milwaukee County’s chief health policy adviser.

Khare said it’s important to keep in mind what kind of mask is going to be most protective for the person who’s wearing it. “It needs to be comfortabl­e so you are willing to keep it on and that it fits well,” Khare said. “If you’re wearing a poorly fitted N95, or it’s not comfortabl­e enough to wear it properly, it won’t be effective.”

Khare said N95 or KN95 masks, worn properly, are the most effective. A surgical mask is next most effective. She said if wearing a cloth mask, one with multiple layers will be the best choice.

Are vaccines safe, effective?

The Pfizer vaccine has been approved for children 5 and over, and Khare and Gutzeit said they’re both safe and effective.

“Even before the developmen­t of this vaccine, we have a lot of understand­ing of how vaccines work, and we don’t have as many concerns about their long-term effects,” Khare said. “But COVID-19 isn’t as well understood, and we do know the actual disease has longterm effects. Any time we recommend any medication, we’re looking at the risk-benefit analysis, and for COVID, the risk of the vaccine is so far outweighed by the risk of the actual disease.”

What about myocarditi­s?

Myocarditi­s has been identified as a very rare complicati­on in mostly adolescent boys of the Pfizer vaccine.

“Less than 1% of adolescent­s required any medical care in the week after getting myocarditi­s,” Khare said. “And I’m happy to say that most of the cases have been self-resolved, and the children have been well after that.”

Khare also pointed out that myocarditi­s is more prevalent as a complicati­on of COVID-19 itself than it is as an effect of vaccinatio­n.

What about how quickly the vaccines were developed?

Khare said two main factors went into the relatively rapid production of the vaccines, neither of which compromise­d safety. First, due to the pandemic, an unpreceden­ted amount of resources were dedicated to vaccine developmen­t.

Second, because so many people throughout the world have been contractin­g COVID-19, data regarding vaccine effectiveness and safety was available much more quickly than would be the case when developing and testing a vaccine for a disease that was not affecting as many people.

Should healthy teenagers get booster shots?

Both Khare and Gutzeit said kids should get booster shots when they’re eligible.

Booster doses are now recommende­d for those 12 and older, five months after receiving the last dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine; or two months after receiving Johnson & Johnson.

Vaccinatio­n opportunit­ies can be found at and

Khare said it’s not unusual to have uncertaint­y regarding the best vaccinatio­n schedule when a vaccine is first introduced.

“What we’ve seen from the data are that the first two doses show a great immune response, then it starts to dip,” Khare said. “When you get a booster, there’s a significant response from your own natural immunity that protects against disease in a better way.”

She also said data shows boosters are just as safe as the original vaccines.

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