Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Duty to disabled brother keeps her close to abusive mother


Adapted from an online discussion.

Dear Carolyn: When I was a child, my mother told me over and over again how dumb I was and how ashamed she was to be my mother, and the day I turn 18, she wants me out of the house and never wants to see me again. This impacted every choice I made when I started out in life: I went to the inexpensiv­e state school near home and took the first job locally I could find. But she was also wrong about everything: I graduated summa cum laude and went back for my master’s. Today I am making a great salary doing work I am deeply proud of. My mom’s life took an unexpected twist: My father passed away and my younger brother, whom she adored and doted on, developed schizophre­nia and is now totally dependent on her care. As a single woman in my 20s and 30s, I assumed I would take over my brother’s care after she passed away. But now, in my 40s, I have met and married a wonderful guy from the Midwest, and he is feeling a pull to go back there from the East Coast. I have a feeling I would love it, too. Finally, I have started to realize how wrong my mother was about me (and how wrong she made me feel about myself ), and I feel such an urge to move away, thrive with my husband and “find” my real self. But my brother would have no one after my mother is gone. I don’t even know how to begin making a decision to go or stay. Or have I already cast my lot?


Anonymous: Wait – your mother is still caring for your brother? Move, thrive, find! My goodness. Go live at 100 percent. Deal with the future when it comes. You made no mention of therapy; please consider it for your recovery from your mother’s abuse. She did an unspeakabl­e thing.

Readers’ thoughts:

● As the mother of a severely disabled child, I would NEVER expect her siblings to make huge sacrifices for her care after I am gone. Relying on profession­als to provide day-to-day care can work very well because they are trained to do it best and will encourage independen­ce – something families can be afraid to do. ● I stayed out of relationsh­ips for many years because of similar care expectatio­ns. Now I am in a wonderful relationsh­ip with someone who says, “We will figure it out when it happens.” You are under no obligation to stop living your life for your sibling. You can help them, or you can find them help. ● Look into some contingenc­y plans for your brother, just to ease your mind a bit. Does he qualify for disability? Are there group homes near where he lives now, or where you’re moving? Given all you have overcome and accomplish­ed, I am pretty sure you will be able to handle whatever comes your way. Carolyn: Thank you so much. I have never said the words “It’s okay not to be my brother’s primary caretaker” out loud to myself, so these messages from parents and siblings hit me like a shot of lightning. This is exactly what I needed to start thinking about this.

Anonymous again

Anonymous again: You’re so welcome. Big hugs and good luck. Email Carolyn at

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