Milwaukee Magazine



Chocolate truffle cake from C. Adams Bakery

(MKE Public Market, 400 N. Water St.;

cadamsbake­ This decadent beauty is four layers of moist chocolate cake and silky, truffle-like chocolate ganache.

The caramel apple at

Amy’s Candy Kitchen (W62 N579 Washington Ave., Cedarburg; amyscandyk­itchen. com) has built a national following (even a “best” award from The Wall

Street Journal) for splurgy creations ($15.99 and up). The Granny Smith apples are drenched in caramel and everything from Belgian chocolate and nuts to wild hibiscus sea salt and candy pieces. Yes, Sicilian nonnas make doughnuts! They’re called sfingi, but pronunciat­ion being tricky, it may be best to point to the menu descriptio­n at Divino Wine

& Dine (2315 N. Murray Ave.,

Even after a big pasta meal, you will demolish the warm hunks of fried dough dipped in cinnamon-sugar. They’re extra scrumptiou­s when dunked in chocolateh­azelnut sauce.

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