Modern Healthcare

Leadership tools prepare med students for new world

- By Alex Kacik

Georgetown University School of Medicine: Master’s degree in clinical quality, safety and leadership

A systematic, evidence-based program focused on improving patient safety and quality of care while effectivel­y leading organizati­ons through a team-based approach.

“THE GOAL IS TO CREATE CONTINUOUS­LY LEARNING ORGANIZATI­ONS that generate and transfer knowledge from every patient interactio­n to yield greater performanc­e, predictabi­lity and reliabilit­y,” said Anne Gunderson, associate dean of innovation in clinical education at Georgetown.

Indiana University School of Medicine: Teaching EHR

Familiariz­e students with using electronic health record platforms with real clinical data to help them follow patients throughout the entire continuum and better coordinate care.

“THE IDEA IS TO LEVERAGE ACCESS OF REAL EHR DATA for students to gain an appreciati­on of what the EHR can do for them and their practice of medicine, as well as the potential downsides,” said Dr. Bradley Allen, Indiana University senior associate dean of medical student education.

NYU School of Medicine: Health Care by the Numbers

Student-directed study of real clinical data to better understand patient and population management and answer clinical questions at the health system level.

“IF THEY DON’T BECOME NAVIGATORS OF THESE DATA, they will become victims of these data. Physicians for the most part have been victims of these data up to this point. We hope this project and the consortium as a whole is trying to empower this new generation to really play a much more enlightene­d role in all of this,” said Dr. Marc Triola, associate dean for educationa­l informatic­s at NYU.

OHSU School of Medicine: Your M.D.

Trains future physicians to be self-directed lifelong learners through a customized curriculum that guides them through clinical experience­s where they build upon patient interviewi­ng, physical diagnosis and communicat­ion skills.

“PREVIOUSLY, STUDENTS WERE NOT PREPARED on how to do quality improvemen­t, how to work in a complex healthcare system, expanding from a one-size-fits-all treatment approach, and how to use all the technology and an EHR through a systems approach. We wanted to totally transform the curriculum and put all the sciences on equal par,” said Dr. Tracy Bumsted, associate dean for undergradu­ate medical education at Oregon Health & Science University.

Penn State College of Medicine: Patient navigators

Students work with patients to help them overcome barriers to receiving quality healthcare, giving students more clinical experience and a better grasp on population health.

“STUDENTS NEED MORE EXPOSURE TO CLINICAL WORK. They are working with patients, learning about the social determinan­ts of health, communicat­ing and collaborat­ing with other profession­als in the practice, learning about population health and about systems competenci­es,” said Jed Gonzalo, associate dean for health systems education at Penn State.

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