Monterey Herald

Activists demand: Defend black lives, defund the police

- By Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan

Protests against police terror across the United States over the last two weeks is beginning to produce change. George Floyd’s murder by Minneapoli­s police drove hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people into the streets, demanding both justice for Floyd and other victims of the police, and fundamenta­l change to policing itself. “Defund the Police,” is being heard coast to coast from people tired of the cycle of police violence, protest, promised reform, and then… nothing. In Minneapoli­s, a supermajor­ity of the city council has committed to dismantlin­g the Minneapoli­s Police Department.

“We haven’t seen a moment like this in at least half a century,” said Harvard professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad, author of “The Condemnati­on of Blackness,” speaking on the Democracy Now! news hour, “with protesters taking to the streets to demand, once and for all, not just police reform and accountabi­lity, but the prospect of a new vision of a relationsh­ip between state authoritie­s and the health of a community.”

In Minneapoli­s, four officers face prosecutio­n for George Floyd’s murder. But the public wants more than conviction­s, which, in themselves, are far from certain according to Minnesota’s first African American Attorney General Keith Ellison. Ellison took charge of the prosecutio­n over concerns that the county prosecutor had a pro-police bias. After decades of impunity, violence against residents, and dismal success solving violent crimes, many in Minneapoli­s want their police department torn down.

“We’ve got to create a system of public safety that works for everybody,” City Council Member Jeremiah Ellison said on Democracy Now! He is Keith Ellison’s son, and knows personally about the MPD’s penchant for violence. In 2015, amidst mass nonviolent protests following the police killing of yet another young African American man named Jamar Clark, an MPD officer pointed a gun at Jeremiah’s head as he held his hands in the air.

“We did a study last year of 911 calls, and we realized that one of the top calls that police make are for what we call emotionall­y disturbed persons or mental health calls,” Jeremiah Ellison continued. “Do we need a gun present at a call like that? I think that the answer to that is no.”

In New York City, groups have labored for decades to reform the New York Police Department, with its ever-lengthenin­g list of unarmed black men killed by its officers: Amadou Diallo, Patrick Dorismond, Ousmane Zongo, Timothy Stansbury Jr.. Sean Bell, Ramarley Graham, Eric Garner and the list goes on. Veteran activist Linda Sarsour helped organize a march in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, demanding change. “Over 50,000 people came out with us,” she said on Democracy Now! “Let the cops do what the cops are supposed to do: keep people safe. They are not social workers. They are not mental health profession­als. They are not educators… All we’re saying is, decrease their budget, take that money and reappropri­ate it into youth, seniors, community developmen­t, and with a focus on those who have been the most directly impacted, on communitie­s of color, poor working-class people.”

As people have risen up demanding justice for George Floyd and policies to address the enduring plague of racism in the United States, the police, the National Guard, and President Trump and his minions have done everything they can to violently suppress dissent. Activists have been beaten, tear gassed, maced, shot and arrested en masse. Nonviolent protesters and journalist­s alike have lost eyes, been rammed by cars and trucks, suffered broken limbs. At a rally in San Jose police shot their own anti-bias trainer in the groin with a rubber-coated steel ball bullet, bursting his testicle. Derrick Sanderlin, a 27-year-old African American, may never be able to father children.

As the tear gas clears, police reform laws are beginning to get passed. Chokeholds have been banned in New York State and Colorado, as well as in Houston and Raleigh, NC. The U.S. House of Representa­tives is advancing a bill that will ban chokeholds in federal law enforcemen­t. It will also create a national database of violent cops, so a fired officer can’t simply move to a police department in some other city or town.

After George Floyd’s funeral Tuesday, his younger brother, Philonise, flew to Washington, DC, where he testified before the House Judiciary Committee: “George wasn’t hurting anyone that day. He didn’t deserve to die over twenty dollars. I am asking you, is that what a black man’s worth? Twenty dollars? This is 2020. Enough is enough.”

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