Monterey Herald

Holiday gifts for your loved ones

- Barry DOlOwich Barry Dolowich is a certified public accountant and owner of a fullservic­e accounting and tax practice with offices in Monterey. He can be reached at 372-7200. Please address any questions to Barry at P.O. Box 710 Monterey, CA 93942-0710 or

Editor’s note: Due to popular demand, the following column is being reprinted.

Today’s column is not about making a gift of your assets as an estate tax planning tool. It is not about making gifts to your favorite charity to achieve a charitable deduction on your income tax return. It is about something that cannot be measured in dollars. It is about peace of mind.

Through my many years of practice, I have observed that, in general, one spouse takes charge of the financial operations of the household. With each passing anniversar­y, the “nonfinanci­al” spouse tends to rely more and more on the financial spouse. Accordingl­y, the financial spouse will rely on the nonfinanci­al spouse to fulfill the other responsibi­lities of the household.

Too often, I find myself opposite a recently widowed nonfinanci­al spouse. Not only is this person experienci­ng enormous grief, having just lost their life’s partner, but they now have the added stress created by financial uncertaint­y — the deceased financial spouse did not leave behind any instructio­ns: Where are the life insurance policies? Whom do I call? What is in the safe deposit box? Where is the box key? How should I invest the life insurance proceeds? Should I pay off the mortgage? Where are all the investment­s? What about Social Security benefits? What about taxes? Where should I seek advice? So many questions that could have been easily answered. If only we took the time. If only we stopped procrastin­ating. If only we accepted the adage that death and taxes are inevitable. If only… If the above situation applies to you and you are a financial spouse, give your loved one a gift of peace of mind. Create a step-by-step instructio­n document for your spouse in the event of your death or incapacity. Pretend you are looking down from above, instructin­g and educating your spouse as to all your financial duties. Do so with minute detail, taking nothing for granted. Do so with love and compassion.

If you are a nonfinanci­al spouse, cut out this column and have your loved one read it. Then, tape it to the refrigerat­or door until the gift is delivered.

Happy holidays to all!

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