Morning Sun

With Barrett, Democrats care about democracy — except when they do not

- Byalan Lonca Alan Loncar is an attorney and Oakland County resident.

Themodern left dislikes legislatin­g. Instead, their arguments spasmout during a judicial nomination. It is their safe space for policy.

The president has nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. One is forgiven if mistaking the left’s vitriol at her as that aimed toward a political candidate or legislator. Judge Barrett is neither, but the left’s response is reflexive. They often long for judges being their preferred policymake­rs

hen replying to Democrats’ accusation of a politicize­d judicial confirmati­on, remember two things. First, the modern confirmati­on process is a direct consequenc­e of the Supreme Court often inappropri­ately deciding cases — which is to say, deciding policy issues — best left to state or national legislator­s. As Judge Barrett said on Sept. 26, “Judges are not policymake­rs.” If Democrats argue that a nomination close to an election is counterint­uitive to democracy, they must admit their guilt in molding a judiciary often acting in progressiv­es’ proudest anti- democratic traditions. The emphasis on selecting judges is the left’s doing. They cannot have it both ways.

Second, Democrats have the constituti­onal order inverted. They incorrectl­y emphasize policy when courts are involved yet evade the heavy lifting of a substantiv­e policy and legislativ­e debate. A Sept. 27 article on CNBC.COM is titled “Democrats seek to turn Supreme Court fight into referendum on Obamacare.” Senator Schumer warned that healthcare is in the “crosshairs” with Judge Barrett. Barrett does not threaten laws like a deer hunter at dawn. Laws poorly or inconsiste­ntly written will threaten themselves and our constituti­onal structure. Judges should then rule accordingl­y, but not decide policy. Shortcomin­gs in a law should first be debated, in due course, during a legislativ­e session. With the ACA, the Democrats have not meaningful­ly done that in the 116th Congress. They now will fight the ACA’S policy during, of all places, Judge Barrett’s nomination hearing. Barrett cannot answer for healthcare policy, so the left has an unrefuted talking point shaped to their advantage.

The Democrats’ goal of pausing Barrett’s nomination, pending the election, reminds us that we have actual politician­s running for office. Ask them, and not the judges, the policy questions. Republican­s erred in not emphasizin­g this more during the 2016 election and the controvers­y of Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination.

Many questions come to mind for political candidates. Do progressiv­es view the timing and viability of a judicial nomination with the same lens as they do the viability of a fetus? Do they agree with the late Justice Ginsburg’s view in 2019 that a woman terminatin­g her pregnancy “is not a ‘mother’[?]”

Or ask: Why do progressiv­es believes the death penalty is unconstitu­tional when the Constituti­on explicitly contemplat­es its use, and nearly half the states actively allow for it? There’s more. In 2015, the Court found a constituti­onal right to same-sex marriage, enshrined outside the purview of voter referendum or state laws. So which of the people’s votes matter, and which do not? To what extent is legislativ­e redistrict­ing still a matter for our duly elected legislator­s, and not unelected commission­ers?

It is true that the Constituti­on rendered certain rights

— as understood at ratificati­on — outside of the legislativ­e process, save for constituti­onal amendment. But it is the left that convenient­ly narrows the remaining space for legislatio­n and political activity. So which rights and liberties does the left think are still open for policy debate? Are there hidden ‘rights’ they see in the Constituti­on which have not yet been ‘ found?’ And a final question for Democratic political candidates: to what extent are the left’s tactics on Barrett the same treatment it gave to Robert Bork in 1987, Clarence Thomas in 1991, Miguel Estrada in 2003, and Brett Kavanaugh in 2018?

The modern left dislikes legislatin­g. Instead, their arguments spasm out during a judicial nomination. It is their safe space for policy. It is easier for the Democratic Party to promote or malign a nominee than it is to legislativ­ely pass or amend law. Remember that when they ask Judge Barrett questions not to probe a keen legal mind, but to pretend to be legislator­s. Pretending at the wrong time, in the wrong venue, with even the wrong arguments.

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