Morning Sun

The Senate should ignore Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination

- The Washington Post (Sept. 26)

This editorial is not about Amy Coney Barrett. No matter whom President Donald Trump had picked to fill the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat, it would be the wrong choice — because it is the wrong time. Trump is asking Senate Republican­s to perpetrate a damaging injustice by ramming through a nominee on the eve of a presidenti­al election. This move threatens to sully the court and aggravate suspicions over the coming election. Senate Republican­s should be disgusted at playing the role they are being asked to play. But so far they seem shameless in their hypocrisy and wanton in their willingnes­s to poison the workings of our democracy.

In 2016, Senate Republican­s united to block President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the court, because the election was only eight months away. This year, people in some states already are voting as the nomination is put forward. Some

Republican­s pretend to see some distinctio­n; others don’t even bother to pretend. The country will see it for what it is: a power grab without principle.

Trump and his Senate allies argue for extreme haste to ensure that a possible election loss does not affect their project to force a new ideologica­l balance on the court. But it’s worse than that. The president himself has said he is counting on Judge Barrett’s hurried confirmati­on so that she can rule on what he appears to believe are the inevitable election disputes he will bring before the court. He has spoken in recent days about getting rid of “the ballots” and enlisting the court in stopping the Democrats’ voting “scam,” arguing that he needs a ninth justice of his choosing to ensure the court rules his way. Imagine the turmoil that would cause: A court hastily stacked with Trump nominees hands reelection to the president, based to a degree on his view that some Americans’ ballots should not count.

By acting with such supreme hypocrisy, Senate Republican­s would substantia­lly diminish not only their own tattered reputation­s but also the much more precious legitimacy of the court. Every time the justices handed down a conservati­ve ruling, vast swaths of the country would not accept the result. And the anger will be tenfold greater if this new, packed court delivers the presidency to Trump under questionab­le circumstan­ces.

Both parties are complicit in the race to the bottomthat has corroded the judicial confirmati­on process over the past two decades. But Senate Republican­s’ abandonmen­t of their own Garland principle would represent a singularly dangerous step down, after which recovery might be impossible.

Are there not four Republican senators, which is all it would take, with sufficient conscience or care for the country?

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