Morning Sun

Moolenaar must explain election fraud stance

- John P. Wright Mt. Pleasant

There is no question that U. S. Representa­tive John Moolenaar won in Michigan’s 4th District in the election held on November 3, 2020. No credible claims have been made against the accuracy of the election results. No evidence of fraud, no irregulari­ties, no illegally cast ballots.

Similarly, there is no question that Joseph Biden won the majority of votes cast in Michigan for the electoral college (approximat­ely 2,804,000 to 2,650,000 for Donald Trump). No credible claims have been made against the accuracy of this result. No evidence of fraud, no irregulari­ties, no illegally cast ballots.

Why then has Representa­tive Moolenaar joined a legal brief Thursday in support of a lawsuit filed by Texas in the

Supreme Court of the United States seeking to challenge the election results in Michigan as well as three other battlegrou­nd states? There is nothing as of this date on Mr. Moolenaar’s website explaining this action.

I urge my representa­tive in the Congress of the United States to explain his reasons for signing on to this lawsuit immediatel­y. And when it is rejected as frivolous — as it surely will be by the Supreme Court with its majority of 5/9 justices appointed by Republican presidents — publicly acknowledg­e his error.

The integrity of elections is the basis of democracy. Unless there is credible evidence of fraud or irregulari­ties the clear results need to be acknowledg­ed by all — especially by our duly elected representa­tive in Congress.

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