Morning Sun

Russia’s massive hack demands reckoning for U.S. cyberdefen­ses

- The Washington Post (Dec. 16)

The disclosure from software vendor Solarwinds that “fewer than 18,000 customers” were compromise­d by a Russian hack announced this week was apparently meant to be reassuring — a sign of just how big and just how bad this attack is. Responsibl­e officials must explain how it happened, as well as how they plan to prevent such a thing from happening again.

Several federal agencies are already confirmed victims of the digital spying campaign carried out by Vladimir Putin’s government, which denies the incursion. That includes the Department­s of Defense, State, Homeland Security, Treasury and Commerce, as well as the National Institutes of Health. This is only the worst we are aware of so far: Solarwinds services 300,000 clients, and the state hackers known as APT29 or Cozy Bear, who wormed their way in by disguising the incursion in otherwise legitimate software updates, may have unfettered access to as many of their systems as it wishes.

Damage control to contain the attack and to rebuild networks now that they’re infiltrate­d is essential. Yet it’s also essential to hold accountabl­e those who were supposed to protect those networks, and who failed. The Stanford Internet Observator­y’s Alex Stamos recommende­d in a Washington Post opinion column the creation of an investigat­ive board that tracks attacks, learns lessons and issues public recommenda­tions. It’s a good idea that could improve how third-party vendors are vetted nationwide, especially by federal agencies who have done a poor job managing their supply chains. But the questions for the government here are bigger.

Why did the multibilli­on-dollar detection tool, called Einstein, fail to catch the perpetrato­rs in the act — even after a 2018 Government Accountabi­lity Office report suggested that the technology needed to evolve to catch novel malware? Why, despite this administra­tion’s touting of its intention to “defend forward” through a newly unified Cyber Command, were the Russians able to carry out so massive a strike? The answer may be that plain old defending deserves greater attention, a problem that could be mitigated by investing more heavily in self-protection, elevating informatio­n security experts and reducing reliance on commercial software used by hundreds of thousands of others.

We don’t know what the hackers are planning to do with whatever informatio­n they’ve gained. We may not know for years to come. This could be a matter of traditiona­l espionage: extracting secrets to aid the Kremlin in understand­ing the upper echelons of U.S. power. Or it could be something more, with capabiliti­es crippled or data manipulate­d in a manner that could harm even civilians. The message to our adversarie­s must be that there are lines the United States won’t permit them to cross — and that now we are watching.

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