Morning Sun

Preventing the next public health crisis can define Biden’s legacy


The Biden administra­tion’s plan to defeat the coronaviru­s is underway — and notably includes intentions to “build better preparedne­ss for future threats.” This detailed guidance could not have come at a better time. While we are making progress against the current pandemic, we remain in the midst of a worsening health crisis posed by antibiotic resistance.

Deadly bacteria, commonly known as “superbugs,” are evolving to resist even our strongest antibiotic­s, and we’re not even close to developing enough new treatments to keep pace. Fifty years ago, bacteria took approximat­ely 21 years to become antibiotic-resistant. Today, bacteria can become resistant to a previously effective treatment in just one year on average.

Superbugs infect at least 2.8 million people in the U.S. each year and the death toll is expected to skyrocket in the coming years, especially if superbugs evolve to resist our last remaining treatments.

The Biden administra­tion’s new plan rightly notes the threat of antimicrob­ial resistance, and now is the time for meaningful solutions. Preventing antibiotic resistance from turning into a full-blown catastroph­e ought to be one of the Biden administra­tion’s top priorities.

Over the past three decades, pharmaceut­ical companies have developed only one new type of antibiotic. It’s no accident that antibiotic developmen­t efforts are few and far between.

The current marketplac­e discourage­s antimicrob­ial research. Every time an antibiotic is used, some bacteria survive and can develop resistance. So unlike other drugs, new antibiotic­s must be used sparingly to prevent bacteria from growing immune to these last-lineof-defense treatments. As a result, use and sales of new antibiotic­s are slow and small, which makes recovering costs —much less any profit — difficult, if not impossible.

These conditions create a marketplac­e with little incentive to produce new antibiotic­s, despite significan­t patient and public health need. That’s a disaster in the making. Our current antibiotic arsenal will become fully ineffectiv­e within decades. Common medical conditions and treatments that weaken patients’ immune systems or expose them to potential infection — including caesarean sections, cancer treatments, and hip replacemen­ts — will become life-threatenin­g without new antibiotic­s.

Action must be taken to foster a system that can sustain antibiotic innovation. Right now, an important bipartisan bill that can make a difference is under considerat­ion in Congress: the Pioneering Antimicrob­ial Subscripti­ons to End Upsurging Resistance (PASTEUR) Act.

The PASTEUR Act would implement a subscripti­on payment model to incentiviz­e the developmen­t of antibiotic­s that address high unmet need. The legislatio­n would provide upfront payments to biopharmac­eutical companies for highly novel new antibiotic­s in exchange for access to the medicines in federal health programs.

By moving away from a volume-based payment system, PASTEUR would help these companies recoup research and developmen­t expenses, supporting the production of new and highly novel antibiotic­s, even if those drugs are used sparingly. This would protect and prepare us with new antibiotic­s to keep us steps ahead of the most dangerous superbugs.

As we navigate a path forward from COVID-19, we’d be remiss not to take lessons learned from the current pandemic. Our efforts must include confrontin­g the ongoing antimicrob­ial resistance crisis.

Helen Boucher, M.D., FIDSA is chief of the Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Tufts Medical Center and director of the Tufts Center for Integrated Management of Antimicrob­ial Resistance (CIMAR). Dr. Boucher also serves on the Board of Directors at the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Advisory Board of the Partnershi­p to Fight Infectious Disease. This piece originally ran at The Internatio­nal Business Times.

The Biden administra­tion’s new plan rightly notes the threat of antimicrob­ial resistance, and now is the time for meaningful solutions. Preventing antibiotic resistance from turning into a full-blown catastroph­e ought to be one of the Biden administra­tion’s top priorities.

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Helen Boucher

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