Morning Sun


NOW AVAILABLE ON ALMA’S CAMPUS College is offering the public the opportunit­y to use machine at lower rates

- By Alma College

Alma College is offering a new service that is designed to both improve community health and provide students with real-world experience they will take with them and use long after graduation.

Housed in the Integrativ­e Physiology and Health Science (IPHS) department, the college recently acquired a DEXA scanner and is offering members of the public the opportunit­y to use it at rates much less than they would at hospitals or health clinics.

For between $50 and $100, individual­s can work with students and health profession­als to find out a variety of informatio­n about their bone destiny and body compositio­n — which can be very helpful in learning their risk of disease and injury, among other applicatio­ns.

“It’s recommende­d that women of a certain age get this scan annually in order to assess their risk for osteoporos­is,” said Alex Montoye, associate professor and IPHS department chair at Alma College. “Anyone who exercises regularly would benefit from this test, and student-athletes are frequent users of it. Some people get scans prior to starting a weight loss or exercise program in order to be able to detect changes in body compositio­n with their lifestyle change. Others choose to get scans before surgery or after an injury in order to to help guide rehabilita­tion strategies. There are all sorts of applicatio­ns for it.”

Learn more about the Alma College Integrativ­e Physiology and Health Science program.

Here’s how it works at Alma College: a DEXA (short for dual-energy x-ray absorptiom­etry) machine passes an x-ray beam through the body, usually in the hip and the spine. The amount of radiation used in the scan is pretty minimal, similar to a dentist’s x-ray. After about 15 minutes, you’re all done, and you’ll await a phone call from Montoye and his team.

They will provide you with a “Z-score,” which shows how your bone density compares with people similar to you in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. They can also tell you other interestin­g tidbits, such as your body fat percentage and percentage of lean mass,


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