Morning Sun

New Hampshire next after Trump’s big win in Iowa

- By Michelle L. Price, Bill Barrow and Holly Ramer

ATKINSON, N.H. >> After Donald Trump’s record victory in the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire voters now get their turn to decide just how competitiv­e the Republican nominating fight will be as the former president continues to dominate his party.

Trump was eager Tuesday to flaunt his 30-point victory in Iowa a night earlier, as he stepped up the pressure on former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron Desantis to improve on their distant finishes in the opening votes of the 2024 presidenti­al election. They have a one-week sprint ahead of next Tuesday’s primary in New Hampshire, the longtime host of the nation’s first Republican presidenti­al primary.

“Our country is dying . ... And I stand before you today as the only candidate who is up to the task of saving America,” Trump declared in Atkinson, where hundreds of his supporters cheered the former president’s boasts about his standing in polls, attacks on President Joe Biden and sweeping promises to “make our country rich as hell again.”

Desantis, the Florida governor, and Haley, Trump’s former United Nations Ambassador and onetime South Carolina governor, were campaignin­g Tuesday in New Hampshire, as well. Desantis got about 21% of the vote in Iowa, 30 percentage points behind Trump’s narrow majority and 2 points ahead of Haley’s third-place finish.

New Hampshire’s electorate is less religiousl­y conservati­ve and less rural than in Iowa, factors that helped Trump in the caucuses. If Desantis and Haley cannot capitalize on those difference­s, they could watch Trump sustain momentum that would render the rest of the Republican primary calendar little more than a formality.

“You must go out and vote,” Trump said. “We have to show margins like never before.”

Haley, who has sought to build a wide coalition that includes independen­ts, has put great emphasis on New Hampshire, hoping it becomes a springboar­d to her home-state South Carolina primary next month. Desantis, who has run more as a Trumpian conservati­ve, put more stock in Iowa, so now must regroup quickly for New Hampshire or risk squanderin­g his second-place finish.

Severe winter weather already is altering campaign schedules and making their tasks harder. Desantis’s campaign had to cancel an afternoon event because of difficult travel conditions.

ABC News, meanwhile, canceled a Thursday debate after it became clear only Desantis seemed sure to participat­e. Haley, angling to frame the primary as a battle between Trump and herself, had suggested earlier Tuesday that she would debate only if Trump joined her. Trump has skipped every GOP primary debate so far and said he would take the stage only against a Republican rival who was commensura­te with him in the polls.

“We are beating everybody,” Trump bragged in Atkinson, where he also showed off an endorsemen­t from Vivek Ramaswamy, the biotech entreprene­ur who suspended his campaign after finishing with single-digit support in Iowa. Ramaswamy joined Trump on stage and pledged to help him win in November.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who defeated Trump in the Iowa caucuses in 2016, endorsed the former president Tuesday evening, as well. “At this point, I believe this race is over so I’m proud to endorse Donald Trump,” Cruz said on Fox. News.

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchison, a harsh Trump critic, also suspended his bid Tuesday, leaving a three-candidate field. Hutchison pointedly did not endorse Trump.

Trump began his day in New York, appearing at a civil defamation trial stemming from a columnist’s claims he sexually attacked her, but used his legal troubles, including four pending criminal cases against him, as part of his pitch, dismissing “bullsh— indictment­s” as a Biden administra­tion effort to derail his political comeback.

Certainly, Trump’s troubles have given some Republican­s pause and turned off plenty of independen­ts. According to an Apvotecast survey of more than 1,500 Iowa caucusgoer­s, about a quarter of caucus participan­ts believe Trump has done something illegal when it comes to at least one of the legal cases he is facing: his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol, his alleged attempts to interfere in the vote count in the 2020 presidenti­al election or the discovery of classified documents at his Florida home that were supposed to be in government custody.

Kristen Mansharama­ni, an independen­t voter from Lincoln, New Hampshire, said she has never considered backing Trump in 2024 and would back Haley.

“I told my 12-year-old son that I am looking for the person who I think is going to get rid of some of the standstill and the polarizati­on in politics and I think she can do that better than anyone else out there right now,” the 48-year-old said.

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