National Enquirer


Book seals fate of doomed FOX


FOX News fat cats are bracing for an explosive new book ripping the lid off the network’s toxic culture — and it’s got Tucker Carlson crowing the whole ship’s going down in a big ball of flames, insiders tell The National ENQUIRER! A source snitches cantankero­us Carlson — who was unceremoni­ously dumped in April — is “giddy” over the takedown tome,

The Fall, by best-selling author Michael Wolff, which foresees the end of FOX News.

“Tucker’s getting the champagne on ice in anticipati­on,” tattles a tipster. “He figures it’ll be the nail in the coffin for the honchos who hung him out to dry!” The disgraced 54-year-old anchor lost his cushy

$35 million gig after criticizin­g ex-prez Donald Trump, making offensive comments about women and minorities in a string of leaked text messages and seeming to support lies that rigged voting machines threw the 2020 election to President Joe Biden.

“He’s longing to see his

FOX rivals Sean Hannity and other turncoats get a taste of their own medicine, and he’s plotting to update his memoir to reflect his slam-dunk victory once they’re out on their butts,” says a spy.

As The ENQUIRER reported, sources claim the fired pundit — who now holds forth on a Twitter broadcast ast — is obsessed with h revenge. “He’s consumed with getting back at them, so in his eyes this book is the best thing,” snipes an insider, who insists the rejected ranter’s ego “is off the charts” after Trump shunned the Republican debates and sat down with him for an interview instead. “It doesn’t occur to him Trump had a fine time playing him against FOX to cause maximum chaos,” says a snitch. “His ego is too thick to see it that way!”

 ?? ?? Host Caption Sean Hannitytog­ohere is a turncoatpl­easehere in Tucker’splease eyes, says a spy
A new book predicts the end of the network
Host Caption Sean Hannitytog­ohere is a turncoatpl­easehere in Tucker’splease eyes, says a spy A new book predicts the end of the network
 ?? ?? Fired FOX News host Carlson is out for revenge,
sources spill
Fired FOX News host Carlson is out for revenge, sources spill
 ?? ?? Carlson seemed to back lies that the
2020 election was
rigged for Joe Biden
Carlson seemed to back lies that the 2020 election was rigged for Joe Biden

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