New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Committee OKs $43B budget

Republican­s reject 241-page plan, charging it would raise taxes more

- By Ken Dixon

— Along strict party lines, the General Assembly’s budget-writing panel on Tuesday approved a two-year, $43.26 billion budget, kicking off five weeks of negotiatio­ns with Gov. Ned Lamont over issues including whether towns will pay some — or any — teacher pension costs.

The Appropriat­ions Commit

tee’s vote will be combined with a Finance Committee tax package on Wednesday or Thursday to yield in the Democrat-dominated legislatur­e’s vision of state spending and taxes.

Republican­s rejected the 241HARTFOR­D page budget document, charging that it would raise taxes even higher than the $1 billion already proposed by Lamont.

The spending package leaves several big issues up in the air. Paid family and medical leave; the hike in the $10.10 minimum wage to $15; and shifting part of the burden for funding the troubled teachers’ retirement plan will all be subject to future negotiatio­ns with Lamont. A million dollars was approved to study the public option for health insurance.

“Over the course of the next few weeks, we have a lot of work

to do as negotiatio­ns continue,” Lamont said in a statement. “I look forward to having more important conversati­ons with my colleagues in the General Assembly in order to craft a final and honest budget which helps Connecticu­t grow good paying jobs, demonstrat­es that state government can live within its means and prepares our kids from Danbury to Danielson for a brighter economic future.”

The first year of the budget would be about

$395 million more than the current level of spending, about 1.9 percent over current spending. The second year would be a 3.6 percent spending increase, about $768 million. In a related matter, revenue figures for the current fiscal year, released at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, indicate the state will end the year June 30 with a $582 million surplus, up more than $14 million from earlier in the month.

The Connecticu­t Conference of Municipali­ties said it supports the budget’s increased aid for public education, but finds the issue of forcing towns and cities to pay a portion of teacher retirement contributi­ons very ominous.

“The Teachers' Retirement System mandate would be the largest unfunded state mandate in recent memory,” the CCM said in a statement.

“This budget does seem to lead with increased taxes,” said Rep. Gail Lavielle, R-Wilton, ranking member of the committee, stressing that in recent years, Republican­s contribute­d more to a final product. “We don’t know what they are yet, but that’s the question. We know they’re there. We just don’t know which ones. I will not be voting for the budget today.”

While it also appeared to turn down the governor’s proposal to have towns and cities start to pay a portion of their teacher retirement contributi­ons, during a meeting with reporters prior to the committee meeting, Sen. Cathy Osten, D-Sprague and Rep. Toni Walker, D-New Haven, the committee co-chairmen, said that in fact, the issue would be subject to further negotiatio­ns with Lamont.

“I believe it was a miscommuni­cation,” said Osten. “I don’t think we clarified enough with OFA,” said Walker, referring to the legislatur­e’s nonpartisa­n Office of Fiscal Analysis. “The two of us will take responsibi­lity for it,” Osten said.

“Actually, we have said out loud that we believe that there may have to be a need for municipali­ties to pay into teachers’ pension,” Osten said. “We planned on having that in the budget documents that municipali­ties would have to contribute toward teacher pensions. There was an error in the documents that we noticed this morning after they were already printed.”

There are references in the Democrats’ budget that anticipate family and medical leave and the $15 minimum wage, including higher pay for non-profit social service workers, but those bills have not been finalized.

In February, Lamont proposed requiring most communitie­s to accept a three-year phase-in for assuming at least 25 percent of employer costs of teacher pensions. After those three years, the towns and cities would be responsibl­e for paying

$71.5 million a year into the fund. Last year, public school teachers started paying seven percent of their salaries into the fund, up from six percent.

“Appropriat­ions has had some challenges,” Walker said prior to the committee vote. “This budget does not lead with taxes, because we are the Appropriat­ions Committee. We lead with the policies and the ideas that are important that we have been asked by our constituen­ts to work on.”

But Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano, RNorth Haven, lambasted the plan as more stress on state taxpayers with higher spending at a time that government cannot afford it.

“The Democrats’ proposal is a massive step backward for Connecticu­t families,” Fasano said in an early afternoon statement. “At a time when our state needs to get serious about change, this proposal goes back to the old days of gluttonous spending, political handouts and made up savings that are impossible to achieve.”

Fasano anticipate­s a statewide tax increase of one billion dollars if the package were approved.

Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney, D-New Haven, said that GOP lawmakers are “posturing” until or unless they issue their own lineby-line document.

“The only way to take into considerat­ion Republican budget priorities is to see a fully vetted document that indicates where they seek to raise revenue or cut spending,” Looney said in an afternoon statement. “It is impossible to budget in a piecemeal fashion.”

The budget accepts Lamont’s and State Treasurer Shawn Wooden’s attempt to re-amortize the troubled Teachers’ Retirement System, which faces a multibilli­on payment within just a few years. The legislatio­n would stretch the payments out 30 years, adding $17 billion in long-term debt..

Priority school districts would get $30.8 million in each of the two years. Debt service would total $1.9 billion in the first year and nearly $2 billion the second year.

The state must have a balanced budget. The new budget, which is the central reason for the legislativ­e session, will be negotiated behind closed doors between lawmakers and Lamont, at a time when at least 900 bills remain active in the approval process. The statutory deadline for the General Assembly is midnight June 5.

 ?? Christian Abraham / Hearst Connecticu­t Media ?? State Rep. Toni Walker, D-New Haven, co-chairwoman of the Appropriat­ions Committee.
Christian Abraham / Hearst Connecticu­t Media State Rep. Toni Walker, D-New Haven, co-chairwoman of the Appropriat­ions Committee.
 ?? Jessica Hill / Associated Press ?? State Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano, R-North Haven, left, and House Minority Leader Themis Klarides.
Jessica Hill / Associated Press State Senate Minority Leader Len Fasano, R-North Haven, left, and House Minority Leader Themis Klarides.

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