New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

City gets ‘aggressive’ on potholes

Public Works crews out in force

- By Pam McLoughlin

WEST HAVEN — Potholes were a common complaint at public forums in the city this winter — one resident complained of one so big and deep that it was a drowning risk — but now the holes are disappeari­ng as Public Works crews are out fixing in full force.

“We’re being very aggressive with potholes,” said Public Works Director Tom McCarthy.

The department had a running list of potholes to be fixed and 1st District City Councilwom­an Bridgette Hoskie took it to the next level by using the popular “West Haven — the Way it Is” Facebook page to allow residents to weigh in with their pothole locations in case something was missed.

“It was certainly helpful — with her list and our list we were certainly able to get a better feel of the enormity of the problem we have,” McCarthy said.

The pothole sizes vary and so did the complaints, with one resident telling of a five-inch-deep pothole the size of a child’s swimming pool that, when filled with water, posed a driving hazard in winter because of ice and a drowning risk in warmer months because two inches are all that’s needed for a child to drown.

Hoskie said that aside from gathering locations — she received more than 50 addresses — she felt that Facebook also gave a forum for venting.

“At least residents know we’re listening,” Hoskie said, noting other City Council members address pothole locations, as well.

Recognizin­g not everyone is on social media, Hoskie said anyone with a pothole complaint can also call Public Works at 203-937-3585.

McCarthy said potholes were filled with cold patch in winter, but that’s not a long-lasting solution.

As is procedure everywhere, once the warmer weather came they began using more effective hot patch and, for the first time this year, a ready mix for small to medium holes. The latter is working well and he’s ordered more, McCarthy said.

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