New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

The media’s shameful bias


Media corruption is rampant today. If your opinion doesn’t meet their narrative, you get censored, treated unfairly and blocked. It happens to me with this newspaper, removing truthful facts that don’t look good to their narrative. Chris Murphy of Bethany says I have no facts, and should get them from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC or CBS. I have some facts for Murphy: CNNs Lester Holt says “fairness is overrated, it’s not necessary to give equal merit.” A New York Times reporter says, “journalism is activism.” Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo say crime is Republican propaganda. April Ryan reported she rejects covering Trump. Jake Tapper says no voice to Republican­s on his programs. The Washington

Post’s refusal to cover shootings at DC ballpark, restaurant­s and downtown crowded areas. Twitter banning Trump, but the Taliban, Antifa and BLM allowed to preach their hate. Why doesn’t media report on the border where 1.5 million have come over from 100 countries? Child traffickin­g, gang members and fentanyl which kills thousands, ignoring laws for border security. Not one minute did any stations report on Biden telling the Afghan president to lie which cost the lives of 13 soldiers. When journalism only presents one side and ignores fairness, there’s no point in having them. They admit their bias and are given a free pass. What is more damaging to freedom, is their blatant refusal to cover a news worthy story, acting like it’s irrelevant. CNN is so bad, airports removed them. Some facts that should be news worthy, begging oil from Russia when we were energy efficient, Hunter Biden’s laptop, which the FBI had for two years, investigat­ion of COVID. Taliban has over 200,000 armored vehicles, 33 Black Hawk helicopter­s, 600,000 assault rifles and wearing our uniforms. Biden’s unconstitu­tional vaccine mandate, but not for members of Congress, 640,000 USPS and illegal immigrants. These facts are not in Chris Murphy’s world, I’m not one your sheep.

Vincent Cirillo


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