New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

Bad drivers


A recent story by Christine Dempsey stated a Connecticu­t man was charged with driving irresponsi­bly at 161miles per hour in his 2021 corvette in New Hampshire. Let me state I have no problem with sports cars, owning a Vette since 1977. I do, however, have a problem with irresponsi­ble drivers.

But, let’s pose this question, “Does it surprise anyone that another Connecticu­t driver or driver from any other state, was driving irresponsi­bly?” Just get on any of our highways. You see entitled drivers weaving in and out of traffic at high rates of speed that are well over the speed limit cutting off others within inches of hitting them. Then they usually having to slam on their brakes so they don’t hit the car in front of them. They will then drive across three lanes and repeat the process. Unfortunat­ely, the number of entitled drivers and their behavior on our highways are increasing.

They don’t use signals, they have no worry they may be causing an accident, as they won’t see it. It’s the poor person they cut off who usually gets into an accident. My job has me traveling our state highways five days a week. I see more and more of this behavior then ever before. It doesn’t matter what kind of car or truck it is, either; it’s all makes, sizes and models. Unfortunat­ely, the number of fatal automobile accidents on our highways is increasing every year.

The problem is the irresponsi­ble behavior of so many drivers today. How do we stop their boorish behavior and in the process protect the majority of good drivers on Connecticu­t roads.

J.P. Barbiero Jr. Wallingfor­d

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