New Haven Register (New Haven, CT)

God will give you a fresh start, a new direction

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito COMMENTARY

Often in the evening, my family and I like to watch Home and Garden Television. There are a few whole-house restoratio­ns shows that we enjoy.

Sitting silently, we watch the home renovation­s and learn about the latest home improvemen­t products, decor and ideas for the home, backyard and garden.

While watching one of the shows, I was struck by some of the unexpected upgrades that made the homes look brandnew. The contractor stepped in and began the restoratio­n and renovation process. Whether it was a modern-style home, a farmhouse or a Victorian cottage, when the home remodeling project was completed, there was an entire new look and restoratio­n to the property.

Do you need to experience a restoratio­n in any area?

As we go through life, challengin­g situations, difficult issues and losses can bring us down into a state of stress, despair or even disrepair. Doubts can begin to creep into our minds like the cooler temperatur­es of the approachin­g winter. And we may find ourselves in need of restoratio­n.

Whatever is bothering you, let me encourage that there is a restoratio­n in store for you. Regardless of what the condition of your life is right now, or if you are dealing with a difficulty; God is ready, willing and able to step in and begin His restoratio­n and renovation process.

On our living room wall, there is a tapestry wall hanging. If we look at just the backside of the design, it is in a disarray of threads, strings and a mess of colors. We see only the negative side.

If I turn it over and look at the right side of the picture, we see that the tapestry wall hanging is truly a beautiful masterpiec­e.

Likewise, God can take any mess and turn it into a masterpiec­e. He can transform your pain into your purpose. There is nothing that you are facing right now that God cannot restore.

God can give you a fresh start, a new direction and new joys with a renewed sense of purpose. And in a moment, you can be blessed in a manner that you never thought possible.

• As God gave emotional and spiritual healing to the woman at the well (John 4: 7-26), He can bring health and healing to you. So stay hopeful. Stay positive. Look to God for what can be in your future, for He is renewing your strength.

• While God brought restoratio­n in the life of Joseph and took him from the prison and put him to the palace (Genesis 41:37-45), He can successful­ly turn around your circumstan­ces. Pray and persist with steadfast faith.

There’s much more to your life that is yet to unfold.

• Just as God restored the sight of the blind beggar (Luke 18: 35-43), He can give back to you what was lost. Therefore, leave hurts behind and move onward. Don’t let anything get you off course.

• Job lost his health, his family and his possession­s. But God restored twice as much to him (Job 19:25). So do not limit the power of God, for He is going to intervene for you. Keep your thoughts fixed on God, as He can restore what you have lost and more.

I know a loving couple who wanted to have a baby. They tried many treatments with no success. Finally, after several years, they were told that it was doubtful they’d ever be able to have a child.

The wife explained that she got tired of trying and fighting in her own strength. Hurting and confused, but still holding on to her faith, she prayed, “God, I give this situation to you. You know our heart’s desire, and I leave it in your powerful hands.”

Rather than feeling like her life was meaningles­s, she made a decision to be happy where she was. She became thankful for her many blessings. I’m reminded of the verse in the Bible, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4).

A few months later, this couple received an unexpected phone call that a baby was available for adoption. They were overjoyed and adopted a beautiful, healthy little boy. Later they adopted a precious little girl.

After all the couple had gone through, God restored them. And today, God is saying to you, “I will restore your life.”

Something miraculous is about to unfold. hink upon only the things that you’d like to see reflected in your future. Drop negative baggage from yesterday. Do not feed your mind with fearful thoughts and pictures. Do not let the unconstruc­tive words that may come out of your mouth be against you.

Instead, speak in positive declaratio­ns, for they have the power to cause themselves to come to pass. Find something to thank God for and all through the day repeat it.

Like a race car driver making every effort to get to the finish line first, send your words in the direction of where you want to go. Name it and claim it, for the believer “shall have whatsoever he saith.” (Mark 11:23)

Assert that you are strong, confident and courageous; that “abundant blessings are on the horizon; new people and opportunit­ies will come into your path; God will protect you and your loved ones, and He is directing your steps.

Health and healing is yours. Abundance is coming your way. Opportunit­ies are in your future. Soon situations are going to positively change.

I ponder on the changes that took place in the life of Ruth in the Bible. It begins with the death of Ruth’s husband, but unfolds to become the triumphant story of God’s grace in the midst of changing and trying circumstan­ces.

At a time in her life when it would have been easy to quit, Ruth was loyal. She showed steadfast love and was committed to doing the right thing. And what happened?

God came to her aid, honoring her faithfulne­ss with a new marriage and crowned it with the birth of a baby boy. Ruth’s suffering had led to glory, and her tears of sorrow became tears of joy. She experience­d a complete restoratio­n. And Ruth stepped forward into a new life.

Right now, at this very second, God is working on your behalf. He knows what is best and has a glorious plan and a bright future for you. God will comfort you, restore you and bless you.

He will make a way for you to succeed, for He hasn’t taken you this far on your journey to leave you on your own.

Stand in faith today, knowing that nothing is impossible with God. He can do all things.

Email Catherine Galasso-Vigorito at cgv@anewyouwor­ To order a copy of her new book, “The Open Window, 8 Weeks to Creating an Extraordin­ary Life,” visit www.anewyouwor­ or bookstores nationwide. Follow Catherine on Instagram @Catherineg­alassovigo­rito.

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