New Haven Register (Sunday) (New Haven, CT)

Seasonal lawn care

- Visit: eLivingtod­

While many homeowners think lawns need less care during the fall months, it's actually the perfect time to give your yard the extra boost in needs to make it through a dormant winter.


Grass continues to grow until the first frost, so it's important to keep mowing throughout the fall. Ideally, you should keep your yard at 2 1/23 inches in height, which is short enough to prevent matting and fungi like snow mold yet long enough to keep the root system deep enough to withstand the cold and dryness of winter. Leaving small clippings on the yard can also add organic matter, moisture and nutrients to the soil.


Because your yard typically suffers some degree of soil compaction and heat stress, which can lead to brown or thinned grass, regular aeration can prevent soil from compacting and defend against thatch a layer of roots, stems and debris that blocks water, oxygen and fertilizer from reaching the roots. The process of aerating removes soil plugs from the yard to encourage root growth and free up passageway­s for nutrients.


When leaves fall on your lawn, they can block out sunlight and, if left too long, stick together to form a suffocatin­g mat on your grass, potentiall­y leading to fungal diseases. Start raking as soon as leaves begin to fall or blow into your yard, and rake at least weekly. Alternativ­ely, use your lawnmower fitted with a collection bag attachment to remove leaves from your lawn's surface.


Because grass grows slower as the weather cools, fall is the ideal time to fertilize. In midtolatef­all, apply a dry fertilizer to your grassy areas to provide necessary nutrients and encourage deep roots and denser growth that can better compete with weeds and tolerate disease and insects. For optimum coverage, use a drop spreader, though crankstyle broadcast spreaders also work.


A dense lawn not only looks good, but also helps protect against weeds. Overseedin­g your existing turf can help fill in any thin or bare spots and also introduces the resilient grass seed. For best results, overseed immediatel­y after aerating when the ground is still warm, nights are cooler and the sun is not as hot during the day.

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