New York Daily News

Jade Murtha & Daniel Mannix


Jade and Daniel’s history has been punctuated by sunsets.

The upper East Side couple met in 2002 — Daniel was Jade’s neighbor during her sophomore year of college at Rutgers University.

He moved in one day late, and she met all of his roommates. That same day, she knew, she says now, “I think I’m going to marry him.”

They didn’t date for five years, however, knowing they had plenty of time. Jade says she knew that once they dated, that would be it, and she wanted to build a strong friendship first.

When she moved to New York City in 2007, they finally started dating. “It was the easiest thing,” she says.

Jade, 28, a bond salesman, and Daniel, 29, who works in sales, were engaged on Shelter Island in summer 2010 at sunset.

Daniel invited her to watch the sun go down outside. But Jade was taking so long to get ready, he was too nervous to wait and asked her to marry him as the sun dropped outside the window.

“It was romantic and cute to see him so nervous,” Jade says. “I’ve never seen him like that.”

They married at Brecknock Hall in Greenport. Before the wedding, Daniel gave her a framed version of a letter outlining his vows.

That night, they were able to take photos in front of a beautiful sunset by the water.

“I really just loved having everyone together,” Jade says. “It just felt so warm and loving.”

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