New York Daily News


Former Met pitchers recall Johan Santana’s nohitter on Friday night, the first in the team’s 51 seasons.


“Honestly, not having h a no-hitter was an anomaly. It’s great to get this off the franchise’s back. Now they can’t say the Mets are without a no-hitter. I’ve never met Johan personally, but bu what I’ve heard about him is that he has a big heart and is a huge competitor. comp I didn’ t watch the game (Friday) night. I found out when whe I picked up the morning mo paper. My first reaction was, ‘Wow, ‘Wow they finally did it.’

“I n never looked back on losing a no-hitter as long as we won. I would trade a no-hitter for tw two wins.”

—Tom Seaver

“I’m just very ery excited for him. You want it so much, not t just for him, but for the fans. ... It’s really hard rd to put it in words because you think with the e history of the great pitchers that have come through hrough the organizati­on, it’s been pitching-rich for so many years. You can go on and on with th the Seavers, the Ryans … not to have one ne for 50 years, you can’t really fantasize e that. ... It’s only fitting for it to happen this year being that it’s the 50th anniversar­y versary of the Mets. ...

“I was hoping ping it would happen sooner or later because so much has been made of it, especially this is year with the 8,000 games. s. You just figured eventually ally it was going to happen.”

— Doc Gooden

“I think th the key word is finally. I’m in shock that it took t that long. Would’ve figured there’d be two or o three before I was even a Met. Glad tha that it finally got done, and Johan, a Cy Young You winner, is a pitcher you would expect expec to have done it. I always have pride in being a Met.”

— Steve Trachsel el

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