New York Daily News

Gov joins fair wage crusade


ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo praised the Daily News on Wednesday for its Fight for Fair Pay campaign and revealed he has asked the Port Authority to look into whether anything can be done to lift the abysmally low salaries of airport workers.

In a session with The News’ Editorial Board, the governor said he expects a response in a couple of days.

“It’s a very important topic, and I applaud you for exposing it,” Cuomo said. “I’ve asked them specifical­ly for their rendition of the facts and recommenda­tions on what they can do.”

The News reported that 12,000 cleaners, security guards and skycaps employed by private contractor­s at Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark airports are paid the $8-anhour minimum wage and get no health benefits.

The pay is so low, some of the workers receive public assistance and eat at soup kitchens.

The Port Authority oversees the operation of the airports.

Cuomo said the low salaries raise the question of whether the city should be allowed to hike the minimum wage to provide a “livable wage” within the five boroughs.

“That’s a very hot topic, obviously, that’s been debated,” he said without taking a position. “But short-term, I want to see what we can do in the Port Authority.”

Cuomo warned of potential consequenc­es in trying to force airport vendors to pay their employees more. The vendors simply could pass those higher costs on to the airlines, which then might hike ticket prices.

“And that’s going to be New York-specific,” Cuomo said. “That’s going to be the discussion. It’s more expensive to fly into New York than anywhere else. I mean, you can hear the conversati­on.” Airports in other states — including California — require that workers receive a living wage and bene



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