New York Daily News

Money talks for Melissa


In her first order of business as speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito rammed through payoff-based bossism as her standard operating procedure for the City Council. Even though 35 of 51 members pledged to abolish so-called lulus, Mark-Viverito got a nearunanim­ous vote to continue paying stipends running into tens of thousands of dollars to members who stay on her good side.

She made her point on buying control by stiffing four members who had voiced criticism of her campaign to become speaker, while speaker. The 47 others are slated for payments ranging from $8,000 a year up to $25,000 a year for herself.

The vote clearly showed the reign of fear that Mark-Viverito has brought to the Council.

Before the November election, 35 members told either the good-government group Citizens Union or the Daily News Editorial Board that they opposed lulus except for the speaker and leader of the Republican minority.

When push came to shove, 33 supposed reformers dared not defy Mark-Viverito, while two dodged the meeting entirely.

Hollowly, the speaker said that the Rules Committee would consider Council reforms next month. Pressed on whether she would bow to the wishes of the majority that wanted to be rid of lu- lus, Mark-Viverito said that members were free to reject their own payments.

Three have done so in the past: Brad Lander, Dan Garodnick and Ydanis Rodriguez. Others accepted the money but said they would donate it to charity — a claim proven false in one case.

All 35 who pledged to ban lulus must keep their word by both refusing the money and forcing a vote on complete banishment.

They are: Garodnick, Corey Johnson, Ben Kallos, Mark Levine, Rosie Mendez, Rodriguez, Helen Rosenthal (Manhattan); Fernando Cabrera, Andy Cohen, Ritchie Torres (Bronx); Costa Constantin­ides, Danny Dromm, Julissa Ferreras, Peter Koo, Karen Koslowitz, Rory Lancman, Daneek Miller, Eric Ulrich, Paul Vallone, Jimmy Van Bramer, Ruben Wills (Queens); Inez Barron, Robert Cornegy, Mathieu Eugene, Vinny Gentile, David Greenfield, Lander, Steve Levin, Alan Maisel, Darlene Mealy, Carlos Menchaca, Antonio Reynoso, Mark Treyger (Brooklyn); Steve Matteo and Debi Rose (Staten Island).

Lancman and Mendez have no lulus to lose. Nor do Andy King and Annabel Palma of the Bronx, who were happy with lulus. They bucked Mark-Viverito, and she cut their incomes. Her message: If you want your money, don’t cross the boss.

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