New York Daily News




JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You may think your earning power has come to a standstill, but that’s far from the truth. This is just the beginning. Life can progress faster than you imagine. Before you know it, offers can come from unexpected entities that can help you get ahead.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 If you are faced with a financial negotiatio­n, be direct and business-like. Getting your way during discussion­s can depend on timing, so be patient. Whether it’s a personal or business matter, decide beforehand what you are prepared to settle for and how much you’re willing to compromise.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 Even if love isn’t the top priority now, you could still find it. Love is one of those intangible­s you can’t quite control. When it occurs, the feeling may remind you of your very first time. This euphoria can happen at any time. Stand by, because some of you are due to be swept off your feet.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 If someone wants to do things differentl­y at the office, it doesn’t mean it won’t work. But you don’t have to go along with it either. For now, have an open mind about things. Keep your personal feelings to yourself and just look at the facts.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 In business, negotiate the best deal for yourself, but don’t get emotional. Remember: Think with your head, not your heart! To get the best arrangemen­t for everyone, be open and honest. Strive for an outcome that can be considered a win-win for all concerned.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 A talk with a friend or partner can be enlighteni­ng, but to find out what’s really going on, listen more and talk less. Keep the calendar flexible, as you may want to change plans if a visitor suddenly stops by. Something or someone from your past could have you feeling nostalgic.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 Don’t allow someone to muscle in on your territory, Leo. You may ask for advice, but you are more than capable of making your own decisions. Stand up for what you believe, and don’t let anyone bully you into doing what they think is best for you. Stay true to yourself.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 If a situation at work doesn’t go as well as you thought, there may be another way to handle the project that can still provide a profit. However, don’t spend all your time analyzing the details. This is a year to think smarter, instead of doing everything the hard way.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 With Mercury, the communicat­ion planet, having an influence on your personal life, some of you will express your inner feelings and take love to the next level. Think carefully not only about what’s in it for you, but for the other person, so you reach a compromise.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Life can be nothing short of dynamic this year. Prepare to focus on work, but not at the expense of your family. Balance is important, and when you make time for all areas of your life, you can enjoy and share your success with those you love.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Not everyone can be trusted with privileged informatio­n nor do they need to know intimate details of your life. Informatio­n that falls into the wrong hands can spread like wildfire. The rumor mill is always churning, so if you want your secret to be kept, keep it to yourself!


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 At work, all eyes are on you. You’re the star of the moment because you’re brilliant at what you do, Capricorn. As you become more visible to those with influence, you will increase everyone’s trust and respect for what you do. The result will be new challenges, leading to a greater financial reward.

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