New York Daily News




FEB. 19-MARCH 20 If you are waiting on news, don’t be nervous about the possible outcome. Stay positive and believe that things will work out. Just because there’s a delay, it doesn’t mean it won’t go ahead. In fact, the outcome could be better than before. In the meantime, focus on your weekend activities.


MARCH 21-APRIL 19 This is a good weekend to think about where you are and how you want to go forward. If you want to be successful, draw up a plan – you can always tweak it later. It is vital to get your thoughts organized so that your attitude is in the right place.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 If you feel a co-worker is not on the same page as you, present your ideas in a way they can understand. When you need further clarity on a situation, try to reschedule a discussion for a later date so you can gather more informatio­n.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Speaking confidentl­y and from the heart can be challengin­g, but empowering. It takes courage to stand your ground and speak your piece. However, with Mercury, the communicat­ion planet, now retrograde, be careful how you approach a sensitive topic to avoid misunderst­andings.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 Don’t suddenly change your mind regarding a financial matter. The last thing you want is to give someone the wrong impression. Worse still, when you go back and forth, you can be considered unreliable. If you’re confused about what you want to achieve, hold off for now.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 Be careful you don’t repeat mistakes, especially if they concern your health and wellbeing, Leo. It can be a full-time job looking after yourself, and you know from history what works and what doesn’t. Your body will tell you what it needs — it’s your job to listen and obey.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 If you plan on having a heart-to-heart with someone this weekend, make sure your words and actions are in sync. Don’t send mixed messages. Be aware of your body language, and remember that your facial expression­s are always on show for others to evaluate.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 Life is full of ups and downs, and though you may experience delays now, they will be short-lived. Look to the future with optimism. Focus on the prospects that can actually happen, and it will take your mind off possible problems.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 Allow your mind to wander freely and see what you uncover. When you delve into its inner recesses, you can find the answers you’ve been seeking. With the moon in your solar second house, the energy encourages you to uncover and deal with past issues that are holding you back.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 To move forward with a situation this weekend, whether it’s business or a personal matter, be creative in your approach. If something doesn’t work in the normal way, find a different approach. By thinking outside the box, you will find the solutions you need.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Don’t get too caught up with work. If you can go into the office and put in a few hours to get ahead, do so, but don’t stress if you’re not as productive as you would like. A lot is happening in your work solar chart, but you also need down time to think through your next move.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 If you must deliver an important message to someone this weekend, make sure you are clearly understood. If there is any doubt as to whether they have received your communicat­ions as you intended, don’t take chances: Deliver it again to the parties concerned.

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