New York Daily News

Ebola is their cup of Tea


According to a new national poll, the more educated you are, the less you fear an Ebola outbreak in a major U.S. city, while the less educated, the greater the fear. Well that’s what the latest ReasonRupe national poll shows anyway, along with the fact that Tea Partiers fear the coming Ebola apocalypse more than Democrats and Republican­s. Interestin­g.

So in case you were wondering why your neighborho­od preppers have stopped shooting at you when you mistakenly take a run on top of their hideouts, it’s because, yes, they are now hiding out.

And you thought all those grenade family packs and 2,000 singleserv­ings of powdered meat they were hoarding were a joke!

But what are the real facts about Ebola now that it has slipped out of West Africa?

I spoke with Dr. Joia Mukherjee, chief medical officer for Partners in Health, the internatio­nal al medical charity based in n Boston, who has just re- turned from Liberia.

She advises that the first thing that needs to do be done to stop the disease from crossing borders is to stop criminaliz­ing people with thee disease.

Fear of prosecutio­n will, she says, drive it further undergroun­d, caus- ing fewer people to come forward as early as they need to. Keeping it contained also requires the immediate constructi­on of facilities where the disease is raging. This includes

also building beds and training locals for employment as health care helpers.

Those necessitie­s, of course, depend on getting the supplies there in the first place. Good, except there are not only not enough roads, but not even enough vehicles.

PIH is trying to work out deliveries of disease-prevention buckets to each family with essentials like rubber gloves and aprons, disinfecta­nt, soap and water.

Enter the U.S. and the U.K. While the Presidentn­t is taking heat for the bombings, nobody’s hailing the fact act that he also committed not just millions ions in aid, but military personnel to o help build roads, structures and beds, eds, as well as getting aid workers whatat they need where they need it.

All good, but in our global world, short of stopping all flights in and out of affected areas, which also means medical and military personnel can’t get in or out, what can we do on a practical level to protect ourselves and our families?

Mukherjee says that Ebola spreads in much the same way as the common cold.

“We don’t realize how many times a day we touch our faces,” she said, “We’re always touching our eyes, noses, mouths, so washing with soap and water after all possible exposure is essential.”

And stock up on those 2,000 single-servings of powdered meat.

For help and info: http://www.

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