New York Daily News

Alan just won’t be Scotched


LIFE WASN’T ALWAYS a cabaret for Tony winner Alan Cumming.

The 49-year-old Scotsman talked to us about his new book, “Not My Father’s Son: A Memoir,” which details his turbulent relationsh­ip with his dad and the sad, violent death of his grandfathe­r.

Speaking about the impetus behind his father’s allegedly aggressive behavior toward him, Cumming (r.) told Confidenti@l: “I think it was a variety of personalit­y disorders. I’ve talked to various people about it and I realize my father displayed traits that were concurrent with various personalit­yy disorders, especially feeling no concern for the opinions or feelings of anyone else, not just us, as well as his irrational rages.”

Though Cumming admits he “lived in abject terror every day of (his) childhood,” he doesn’t look back in anger.

“As much as I wish I hadn’t been beaten on a regular basis as a child, it’s what happened and it’s who I am,” he said. “I forgave my father. I don’t think he knew what he was doing.”

Though Cumming never knew his grandfathe­r, he learned about him in 2010 when television producers in the U.K. approached him to be on a popular celebrity genealogy show. Cumming grew up thinking his maternal grandpa died a celebrated World War II hero in the Far East. He learned that, in fact, his grandfathe­r died playing Russian roulette.

“I think every family has pain and crazy, and I also think that’s why people relate to the book,” he confessed. “There’s something about everybody’s family that is dysfunctio­nal.”

Cumming also talked to us about another man he’s not crazy about — British Prime Minister

David Cameron.

“I think he’s awful for a variety of reasons,” said Cumming, who’s disappoint­ed Scotland didn’t vote for independen­ce from Great Britain in last month’s historic vote. “He, to me, is part of the establishm­ent, part of a gro groupp of wealthy, privileged people who have controlled Britain and kind of derided and derailed Scotland for centuries.”

According to Cumming, “I don’t dislike him because of where he came from. I dislike the system that allows him to get to such heights without merit.” However, he does like Monica

Lewinsky, a notorious figure in American politics who’s certainly known for her own accomplish­ments.

“She’s such a lovely girl. I’ve known her about 16 years,” he said. “She’s absolutely one of the most loving, fun, clever, tender people. The fact that she’s been able to remain such an amazing person with all that horrible bile that was heaped upon her as a young woman is testament to the person she is.”

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