New York Daily News


- — Samuel

So much for Tom Coughlin’s whole “Talk is cheap, play the game” mantra.

The Giants coach may have wanted his team to focus on Sunday’s 60 minutes on the field, but for six days, they just couldn’t help jawing with the Eagles, staging a trash-talk faceoff for the ages. The disses came from all angles, and included photos, videos and tweets.

So before they play the actual game, here’s a final look back at the wild leadup to Sunday night’s clash:


The calm before the storm. Well, sort of. Antrel Rolle fires the first mini-salvo in the coming war, dissing the Eagles’ 2013 NFC East division title. Why’d they win?

Rolle’s call: “I don’t feel like there was much to really battle with last year in our division. I felt like it was a weak division last year.”

He’ll later insist that he never meant to “discredit” Philly, even as he sticks to his words.


Here we go. Late at night, a Superfan known as LicensePla­teGuy tweets out a photo with Giant corners Prince Amukamara and Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie posing with him as he dons an Eagles jersey with the nameplate “SUPERBOWLS” and the No. 0. And just in case you couldn’t figure it out, they’re all taking a shot at Lombardi-less Philly, smiling while making “0” symbols with their hands.


Well, this is boring. While DRC and Amukamara spend the afternoon apologizin­g and insisting they meant no “disrespect,” Eagles pass-rusher Brandon Graham is promising that Philly will “rattle” Eli Manning, laying out the Philly game plan. Any other week, that’s big news, but this week? It’s a yawner.

Especially because of what happens later that night, when the Philly PR department gets in on the fun, tweeting out a story that mock’s Manning’s many intercepti­ons and makes fun of the Manning Face. Real mature, Eagles.


All hell breaks loose. Forget all those apologies; the day starts with some fuzzy math from JPP, who says Philly isn’t nearly as good as its record, and tells everyone “I don’t like Philly.”

“They’re 4-1, but they could have easily been 0-4,” he blurts. “The games were close. You know it, too! I watch TV. You watch TV, too. The games

were close.c I feel like we shouldn’t go out there and make it a close game.’’

Then the Eagles make things personal. Forget all the Philly players who diss JPP’s arithmetic, because early in the afternoon, Philly tweets out a video narrated by actor Bradley Cooper that makes fun of all NYC, busting on the city, the accent, the lifestyle, and everything possible in the coming “street fight.”


Coughlin’s doing everything he can to shut his players up, but the Eagles just keep right on talking. So while the old coach says he’s “disappoint­ed” in his guys, injured Philly lineman Jason Kelce is on the radio dissing . . . Coughlin?

Kelce says he doesn’t think JPP is “smart” enough to come up with his own faulty addition, so it must have been something the old coach told him.

“I think he’s the type of guy that just reiterates what his coaches have been telling him,” Kelce says. “So, I’m a little worried about Tom Coughlin’s math because I feel like maybe that’s where it was screwed up.”

Kelce gets high marks for creativity, but Philly PR’s not impressed. So late in the afternoon, they take trash talk where it’s never been before, going animated, tweeting a one-minute video featuring ghoulish versions of Graham, Cedric Thornton and other Eagles defenders bullying “Little Eli Manning,” who strides into the Linc, is afraid of the dark, and gets a major wedgie.

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