New York Daily News

GOP presidenti­al canidates seek NRA’s backing

- BY CELESTE KATZ ckatz@nydailynew­

EXPECT THEM to get the lead out.

Republican­s making moves to seek the 2016 nomination for President will target the support of the gun lobby Friday at the annual meeting of the National Rifle Associatio­n.

Jeb Bush, who signed the nation’s first “stand your ground” law in 2005 while governor of Florida — but doesn’t own a gun himself — will speak at the Nashville event.

Also in the lineup: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has been gaining ground in early polling — and once hit the stump sporting a bandage he said he needed after hurting his thumb while pheasant hunting.

Two senators, Ted Cruz of Texas — who has hunted in the early voting state of Iowa — and Marco Rubio of Florida will take the stage.

Perennial presidenti­al campaign flirt Donald Trump also made the cut — but Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who jumped into the race this week, isn’t on the roster. He is linked to another pro-gun group, the National Associatio­n for Gun Rights.

Another possible GOP candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, didn’t get an invite.

An NRA spokeswoma­n has said given that “this year’s leadership forum has the longest list of potential presidenti­al candidates in the history of the event,” only so many speaking slots were available.

Courting Second Amendment fans has tripped up contenders in the past.

Ex-Massachuse­tts Gov. Mitt Romney had to dial back his rhetoric in 2008 after his experience as a self-described “lifelong hunter” turned out to have been limited to just two outings.

And former Mayor Rudy Giuliani became comedy fodder after interrupti­ng his big pitch to NRA members to answer a cell phone call from his wife.

“This is a contest among candidates who have already been given an A rating by the NRA, so they’ll be competing for the one eventual A+,” said Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics.

“Eventually, the NRA will bestow their blessing on the emerging nominee,” he said.

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