New York Daily News

No ‘vanilla’ for Christie

- Erin Durkin

NEW JERSEY Gov. Chris Christie is unabashed about his brash style — and he’s taking it on the road with his “tell it like it is” tour of New Hampshire next week.

Never one to bite his tongue, Christie began blasting out video and transcript­s Thursday from a town hall event held in his home state where he pledged he’ll never be a “vanilla” pol.

Christie’s lengthy rant came after he was taken to school by a kindergart­en teacher, who told him he needs to cool it if he ever wants to be President.

“I really feel that you need to tone it down a little bit if you want to become President of the United States,” teacher Cheryl Meyer told the potential GOP candidate.

“When you’re a governor and of the highest office in New Jersey and then people — you start screaming at people,” she said at the Tuesday meeting. “My question to you is how do you defend that?”

Christie acknowledg­ed

he’s gone “over the line” at times, but defended his blunt style.

“One thing people never have to wonder about me is what I’m thinking, right?” he said, promising to talk straight unlike other pols who think up “the blandest, most vanilla thing that I can possibly say.”

Christie is scheduled to hold two town hall meetings next week in New Hampshire, the first presidenti­al primary state.

 ??  ?? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie

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