New York Daily News

Your horoscope

If it’s your birthday Happy birthday, Aries! You’re very busy, but remain motivated to come up with smart solutions before others do. This is a year to restructur­e your life. You can implement or fine-tune changes you’ve recently made. This is an exciting



MARCH 21-APRIL 19 If you need to highlight your capabiliti­es to a business prospect, don’t be bashful about it. Don’t wait for someone else to put in a good word for you; they may do so, but you need to be proactive and take charge of your own life.


APRIL 20-MAY 20 Extravagan­ce with money will certainly get attention, but maybe not the right kind. The last thing you need is to attract people who are only interested in what they can get out of you. You need people around you who are loyal and actually care about you, not the benefits that come from knowing you.


MAY 21-JUNE 20 Anything you start now has a good chance of succeeding. To get to the top of your field, associate with people who are serious about what they do, not those who are just going through the paces. Don’t waste time with people who obviously don’t share the same priorities as you.


JUNE 21-JULY 22 When it’s about business, be careful who you share your thoughts with. You don’t want to unwittingl­y reveal your next move to the wrong person. Stay tight-lipped to ensure everything remains confidenti­al. Let those who aren’t privy to your dealings wonder what’s going on; keep them guessing.


JULY 23-AUG. 22 With success on your mind, it’s a good idea to become a people-watcher and read books written by those who have a success story to tell. When you emulate winners, those movers and shakers who have risen up the ladder of success, it can provide you with a recipe for victory.


AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Be careful of rehashing past emotional pain, especially if it’s personal and concerns money. If you’re still upset about something, deal with it immediatel­y. It can be damaging and futile to compare a previous situation with what’s happening now. Leave them behind and live in the present.


SEPT. 23-OCT. 22 You have a lot going on right now, both persoanlly and profession­ally. Therefore, It’s important to be balanced. Don’t try to take on more than you can manage, or you could get overwhelme­d. The universe has a plan, and sometimes you need to get out of your own way and let the pieces fall into place.


OCT. 23-NOV. 21 It’s the end of the week, and with more than one person wanting your attention, you need to stay centered and balanced to achieve everything on your list. Be mindful not to allow someone’s bad mood to influence the way you feel. If they’ve got a problem, it’s theirs, don’t make it yours.


NOV. 22-DEC. 21 Life is full of challenges, and they’re what help you to grow and progress. As a bigthinkin­g forward planner, you have to believe the best is yet to come. You’ve achieved a great deal, so don’t focus on things you didn’t get done. Don’t let confusion get to you. Empowermen­t comes from focusing on the positive.


DEC. 22-JAN. 19 When you fall in love, often it is a fateful union. Cosmic connection­s can be electric and compelling. One minute you’re alone, and the next you’re running into someone when you turn a corner or at a social event. But don’t leave everything up to the universe; take some control and make a plan to increase your odds.


JAN. 20-FEB. 18 With planet Venus, the goddess of love, in your sign, this is a time when you could fall madly and deeply in love. It may be time to open yourself up to meeting someone worthy of being your partner. But don’t get too carried away with all the romance; you do have to look at the practical areas of a relationsh­ip as well.


FEB. 19-MARCH 20 With so much planetary influence in your solar second and third houses, the ingredient­s are there to discuss a potentiall­y lucrative business propositio­n. The Venus-Mars combinatio­n puts you in a good position to connect with likeminded people. Right now, you could find a perfect match in business and romance.

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