New York Daily News


The very polarizati­on that is tempting the billionair­e to run means he cannot win BY RONALD B. RAPOPORT and WALTER J. STONE

- Rapoport and Stone are political science professors at William and Mary and UC Davis, respective­ly, and the co-authors of “Three’s a Crowd: The Dynamic of Third Parties, Ross Perot and Republican Resurgence.”

‘Bloomberg Closer to Running for President,” trumpets the New York Times headline.

Sound familiar? The date of the story is Dec. 31, 2007, about a possible presidenti­al run the next year as an independen­t. Bloomberg decided that he could not and did not want to mount a quixotic campaign. That was the right call in 2008 and remains the right call in 2016. If Bloomberg’s goal is to win, he should forget it.

The temptation to run this year must be even greater than in 2008. The parties are more polarized than they have been in generation­s. The Republican­s are in disarray with the prospect of nominating Donald Trump, who provokes antipathy f rom many within his own party. The Democratic presumptiv­e nominee struggles against a 74-year-old self-avowed socialist.

But the condition — party polarizati­on — that makes this year so tempting is also the barrier to success. The punishing logic of the plurality-winner-take-all system in the Electoral College combines with the stark choice between the likely Democratic and Republican nominees to guarantee defeat to an independen­t candidate.

No matter how much current polls may suggest the country longs for a reasonable centrist alternativ­e, and no matter how much money he is willing to commit to his campaign, a Bloomberg candidacy is doomed to defeat.

When the push and shove of the campaign gets going in the fall, the majorparty nominees remind their partisan bases that defecting to the independen­t candidate only increases the chances of the other party’s candidate. The more Democrats despise the Republican Party and the more Republican­s demonize Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the more reluctant potential Bloomberg supporters are to spend their vote on him.

Imagine the best case for Bloomberg: The Republican­s nominate Ted Cruz and the Democrats nominate Bernie Sanders. In this improbable scenario, every vote a moderate Democrat casts for Bloomberg helps the operatic Cruz; every vote a disgruntle­d Republican considers giving to the former New York mayor is really a vote for a socialist “giveaway” program.

Despite claims about large numbers of unaffiliat­ed voters, about 90% of the voting public either identifies with one of the parties or, if independen­t, leans toward a party. This, too, is a consequenc­e of polarizati­on. As the parties have moved apart, they have sharpened the policy difference­s between them in the minds of voters. This makes it harder to remain neutral or indifferen­t.

In a Sanders-Cruz or Sanders-Trump race, a moderate alternativ­e like Bloomberg would certainly poll well into the summer. But in the general election he must convince voters that he is the best candidate with the best ideas and the best chance of implementi­ng them. Most voters start the campaign believing their party is the better alternativ­e.

And he must persuade voters state by state that he can actually come in first and claim the all-important electoral votes. Second place counts for zilch.

Are there reasons for Bloomberg to run even if he cannot win? Sure. He would help shape the terms of the debate. He might even have a lasting impact on one or both parties as the Progressiv­es did in the early 20th century. He might play the spoiler and change the outcome of the election.

Yet, as Bloomberg said in a 2013 interview with New York Magazine, “I am 100% convinced that you cannot in this country win an election unless you are the nominee of one of the two major parties.”

The allure of the presidency is still there, but his unclouded judgment then remains on target.

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