New York Daily News

Dead clown walking

Trump loses Iowa to Cruz, nearly slips to 3rd Sounds like beaten man in morose concession


IN THE END, bombastic bozo Donald Trump’s prediction­s of an Iowa victory were all a big, sad joke.

The former reality show star suffered a “yuge” loss in the Hawkeye State’s Republican caucuses Monday, finishing a distant second to Sen. Ted Cruz and nearly falling into third place behind Marco Rubio.

Despite polls from just several weeks ago showing Trump with an 11-point lead in Iowa, Texas Ted cruised Monday, while Rubio closed the gap on the other end.

After Cruz was declared the winner, a deflated and humbled Trump moped through his concession speech saying he was “really honored” with his silver-medal finish.

He then pointed to the same bunk polls that suggested he would win in Iowa as reasons to predict a victory in the Feb. 9 New Hampshire primary.

“We love New Hampshire,” Trump said to a notably small crowd — one of the puniest he had drawn throughout the race. “We will go on to win New Hampshire; we will go on to win the nomination.” “We will easily go on to beat Hillary (Clinton) or Bernie (Sanders) or whoever the hell they throw up there,” he added, before glumly insinuatin­g his bid was doomed.

“Who knows, I think I might come back here and buy a farm,” he said.

With more than 98% of Iowa precincts reporting, Cruz got the support of 27.7% of caucusgoer­s, compared with 24.3% for Trump. Rubio garnered 23.1%

Cruz said his win was a “victory for courageous conservati­ves across Iowa” and the U.S.

“You want to know what scares the Washington cartel?” Cruz asked the crowd, which roared back — “You!”

For Trump, his second-place finish may painfully remind him of a tweet he sent out in December 2013. It was a saying from the 1920s champion golfer Walter Hagen. “No one remembers who came in second,” the tweet said.

 ??  ?? All the bombastic blather, all the insults, all the race-baiting proclamati­ons were missing from Donald Trump’s loser speech in Iowa Monday night.
All the bombastic blather, all the insults, all the race-baiting proclamati­ons were missing from Donald Trump’s loser speech in Iowa Monday night.
 ??  ?? His cockiness all gone, a slumped Trump steps off stage Monday after conceding Iowa to Ted Cruz (far right, inset).
His cockiness all gone, a slumped Trump steps off stage Monday after conceding Iowa to Ted Cruz (far right, inset).

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