New York Daily News



Dear Bernie,

You had us there for a second. I/we really believed you when you said you were in it to win it. Even us jaded New Yorkers began to trust your sincerity about how angry you were that the Clintons were deeply in bed with Wall Street. So to speak.

And really, lots of us even bought it hook, line and stinker, when you said, “Let us talk about the worst foreign policy blunder in the modern history of this country. I led the opposition to that war. Secretary Clinton voted for it. Let’s talk about judgment.”

So are you now saying, “Let’s talk about the greatest foreign policy achievemen­t in modern history-resulting in the war that cost taxpayers a billion a week for over 12 years and destabiliz­ed the entire Middle East!” That one?

And hey, Bernie, when you said that Hillary’s expression, “super predators” for urban kids who must be “brought to heel” (a horrifying dog training term), was a racist term, what you were actually saying was that “superpreda­tors” is NOT a racist term?

I’m also now sort of confused about another thing. When you said Hillary isn’t qualified to be President, did you mean that she IS qualified to be President? Oh, about that contested After Lin-Manuel Miranda and Jennifer Lopez performed their new song “Love Make the World Go Round” on NBC’s “Today Show,” J.Lo tweeted out “#All Lives Matter” and immediatel­y felt the heat.

No, it wasn’t coming from fans salivating over her $1,500 bra, it was coming from people angry that she was disrespect­ing Black Lives Matter, and appropriat­ing black culture. Seriously? Have we really come to this, that a proud Latina – who created a song with the Hispanic creator of “Hamilton” – isn’t allowed to say that everyone’s life is important? This after performing the song that commemorat­es the lives of the mostly Latino revelers shot down in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando? Have we all become that filled with bile? Democratic convention that you promised? Were you planning all along to give in and give up before you ever got there?

Millions believed you, so it was kind of confusing, to say the least, when you stood side by side Tuesday with Hillary Clinton (below), the woman who supposedly stands for everything you swore you stood against, and endorsed her!

Did you not mean to do that, or are you now all for Wall Street greed and avarice? Did you finally see the light and realize that getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches from the fat cats who almost brought down the entire economy of the United States for personal greed wasn’t a bad thing after all?

And that business about a return to free college tuition at public universiti­es, universal health GETTY care and a tax system that doesn’t favor the rich? Did you mean you are actually against them all?

Geez, Bernie, you don’t want us to think that you sold people hope and then turned around and sold them down the Potomac, do you?

I hate to say it, but it sure seems like that’s what you did. I mean, honestly, you caved faster than a bad mine shaft, which left your supporters trapped in the rubble.

Millions felt the Bern, Bernie, and now they’re probably burning mad to discover that the steam coming out of your ears wasn’t from anger at the system, but just a lotta hot air rising from the D.C. pile of donkey s--t called politics. Best, Stirred and Shaken Up in NYC

 ??  ?? Wouldn’t you think that after recovering from a coma brought on by drugs and literally screwing your brains out with hookers in a sleazy brothel, you’d take some time off? Not if you’re Lamar Odom, you wouldn’t. The ex-Kardashian (inset with wife...
Wouldn’t you think that after recovering from a coma brought on by drugs and literally screwing your brains out with hookers in a sleazy brothel, you’d take some time off? Not if you’re Lamar Odom, you wouldn’t. The ex-Kardashian (inset with wife...
 ??  ??

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