New York Daily News

Law gives new tool to punish evil


The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act allows people who have been affected by acts of terror to use all of the tools of U.S. civil litigation to get the truth about the involvemen­t of foreign government­s in terror plots.

In this case, the statute would allow the families of 9/11 victims to get the truth about the involvemen­t of the government of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 conspiracy.

With JASTA in place, family members of the 9/11 victims will now be able to use civil litigation tools in U.S. courts — like document requests, deposition­s and subpoenas for banking records and electronic communicat­ions.

And if, through these tools, enough informatio­n comes to light about the involvemen­t of the Saudi government in the 9/11 conspiracy, it would now be possible for Saudi government officials to be held liable.

The law’s essential operative section would strip sovereign immunity away from the Saudi government. Doing so allows families of 9/11 victims to legally bring the complaint in U.S. courts and use civil discovery tools to try to prove their case.

Prior to this law, sovereign immunity — the legal doctrine in internatio­nal law under which foreign states are immune from civil litigation and criminal prosecutio­n — would have prevented individual­s from suing foreign government­s, even if everything alleged in the suit could be proven to be true. This law creates an exception to that for terrorism.

President Obama has said this law will be harmful. He points to the possibilit­y that it will open up members of the U.S. military and the U.S. government to suits from families of victims of U.S. military action, or covert action, abroad, or from foreign government­s, like the Yemenis or Pakistanis. That concern is real.

But based on my experience­s representi­ng American families who lost loved ones in acts of terror perpetrate­d by the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on in Jerusalem, I believe people like the families of the 9/11 victims deserve a chance to learn the truth.

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