New York Daily News

Corrupt to the core


Ed Mangano, who surprised everyone by being narrowly elected Nassau County executive in 2009, turned out to be a crook. So says Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Robert Capers, who indicted Mangano along with his wife Linda and Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto.

Having seen their share of public corruption indictment­s, close observers of New York politics can approach such documents with the precision of professors of comparativ­e literature.

This one is a beaut, revealing alleged crimes of abominable audacity.

The documented bribery started just three months into Mangano’s term, on April 9, 2010, when Linda Mangano got her first paycheck for a nonexisten­t job from restaurate­ur Harendra Singh (who is cooperatin­g with the feds).

She would wind up pocketing more than $450,000 for work as a “food taster.”

Besides the paychecks, Singh paid for Mangano vacations from Niagara Falls to the Caribbean, a $7,304 wristwatch, a $3,000 massage chair, a $2,000 desk chair and even hardwood flooring in the Manganos’ bedroom.

In return, prosecutor­s allege, Mangano and Venditto greased Singh with government-backed loan guarantees from Town of Oyster Bay and food services contracts with the county — including supplying bread and rolls to the county jail.

As they await trial and possible prison time, Mangano and Venditto, loyal cogs in Boss Joe Mondello’s Nassau GOP machine, must resign — and give government on Long Island a fighting chance to clean itself up.

Meantime, Mr. and Mrs. Mangano should be sure to enjoy their hardwood floors. The floors where they could well be heading are made of cold concrete.

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