New York Daily News

If it’s your birthday


Happy birthday, inspiring speaker! You help others so much – more than you help yourself – and this year, with Jupiter’s blessings, you receive your good deeds back threefold. Your career is intense and highlighte­d, and you become a little (more) famous. At the same time, your personal life undergoes a vast sea change. Loved ones, under less scrutiny and perfection­ism from you, will flourish, as will your great love together. MARCH 21-APRIL 19 As much as you feel like rewarding yourself after such an intense and hard-working week, today’s not the day to be extravagan­t. If you spend too much, eat too much, or are unwisely generous, regrets will come later. Strengthen yourself, instead, with the support of loved ones, and with rest and sleep. APRIL 20-MAY 20 You have a lot on your plate right now, and it’s best to divide all you have to do into small, structured steps. Don’t be overwhelme­d by the big picture, nor by others losing their tempers – or their minds. Be your own strict social secretary and schedule your time protective­ly. MAY 21-JUNE 20 Weird day for Gemini! Money news is good, but I’d keep a low profile if I were you. You’re feeling unusually sensitive to others’ moods and problems, and a partner could behave jealously or irrational­ly. Keep all your secrets to yourself today or they will blow up in your face. JUNE 21-JULY 22 The Moon in your sign all day and night means there’s a lot of attention on you, and a lot of tension in you. Be gentle to yourself, and take it easy with the selfcomfor­ting. No crazy excesses! Also, your financial judgment will not be good, so wait until tomorrow to buy anything. JULY 23-AUG. 22 Not everyone will equal your enthusiasm today, and that’s OK. Let them be, everyone including family and coworkers, and you go off and enjoy yourself as you best know how. Because the Moon is in your rest house, you might need a little of that yourself, that, and quiet alone time. AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 Your ruler Mercury is in your lucky money house for only three more days, so use it or lose it! Do all you can, and set up all you can, for financial ventures and matters before Tuesday. Time to be more concerned with yourself and your own affairs than with anybody else’s. OCT. 23-NOV. 21 The Moon is opposite your ruler Pluto, which will make people uncomforta­ble and uneasy. Tread carefully today and ask for what you want and need, but stay as low-key and as polite as you are able! Keep yourself fully entertaine­d tonight so you don’t get drawn into others’ crazy dramas. NOV. 22-DEC. 21 The Moon is square your ruler Jupiter, so you’ll want to let it all out tonight. After such a pressurize­d week, you definitely deserve some downtime. You’ll have a ton of fun if you let yourself, but just be careful and don’t overdo it. Or you might not wake up until Sunday! DEC. 22-JAN. 19 Today’s a day to hammer it out with family. Please schedule one of those “family meetings”, “Brady Bunch”-style, to lighten the mood. I’d do that, seriously, because everybody’s going to be shouting their own deathly agenda. It just will be funnier in the voices of Jan, Marcia, Mr. Brady and Alice. JAN. 20-FEB. 18 You know you can’t keep going on this way much longer. Something’s got to give, and that needs to be the pressure you’re placing on yourself, as well as this idea you have of the ideal life. Life is not ideal, and if it were, it would bore your genius self to tears. FEB. 19-MARCH 20 Moon trine your ruler Neptune makes you a super psychic sleuth today! You basically get to have those superhuman powers we all dream about. You can tell what people are thinking, not saying, and what they’re hiding. Be careful who you look at, because nasty secrets could be revealed.

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