New York Daily News


Oldest living Indian recalls run to 1948 Series title


Robinson, 95, part of Indians’ last title in 1948, wants to be part of 2016 World Series run

The oldest living Yankee also happens to be the only surviving member from the last Cleveland Indians team to win a World Series title, the 1948 club that beat the Boston Braves in six games.

But Eddie Robinson, 95, says he is not too pleased with his old team from northeast Ohio, mainly because he hasn’t heard a peep from the Indians organizati­on amid the euphoria of current Cleveland manager Terry Francona guiding the Tribe to the 2016 Fall Classic to face either the Cubs or Dodgers.

Robinson was the starting first baseman on that ’48 Indians team — which featured Hall of Famers Larry Doby, Satchel Paige (both Negro Leagues stars), Bob Feller, Bob Lemon, Joe Gordon and player-manager Lou Boudreau. The Texas native Robinson played an integral role in the World Series run.

“That’s the funny thing about it. I haven’t heard a damn word from Cleveland. Not a word,” Robinson told the Daily News Thursday from his home in Fort Worth, Texas. “I’m disappoint­ed. It just seems like they would want to talk to any member of the ‘48 team, let the press talk to them. I don’t understand it. Maybe they’ll get in touch with me.”

If no calls come, Robinson says he will still root for the Indians, and he adds that he is “really impressed” with Francona’s managerial skills. Robinson played with Francona’s father, Tito, in Baltimore for the 1957 season.

The Cubs may have the longer championsh­ip drought in baseball, but the only memories the public has from that 1908 title team are courtesy of ancient newspaper clips. Robinson is a living legend able to recite the details of a magical, post-World War II Indians championsh­ip run.

“I remember we opened the season in St. Louis. We won the first (six) games of the season. Gordon was my roommate that year. Great guy. I remember us getting in a taxi after the fourth win and he said, ‘We’re going to win the pennant.’ Turns out we did,” says Robinson. “But it wasn’t easy.”

There were only 16 teams in Major League Baseball in 1948, no designated hitter, and as Robinson points out, “those years the bullpen wasn’t anywhere near as important as today.” Lemon and Feller combined to pitch 38 complete games. Robinson was only in his second full season in the majors, but he was part of a formidable infield — Gordon played second, Boudreau was at short and Ken Keltner at third.

“Our infield knocked in over 400 runs (432). Incredible,” says Robinson, who was 27 that season.

Robinson had a magical moment at Yankee Stadium (he later played for the Bombers from 1954-56) in the middle of the season, when he provided a key assist for an ailing Babe Ruth, who was making his last public appearance at the House that Ruth Built. Before Ruth emerged from the visitor’s dugout, Robinson got a bat from the rack to give to the Bambino so he could support himself on his stroll to the plate.

“When (Ruth) came back, he handed me the bat and I said, ‘Would you sign it?’ He said, ‘Yes,’” says Robinson, who chuckles when recalling how he agreed to sell the autographe­d bat years later for $10,000. “That’s one of the saddest stories.”

The ’48 Indians and Red Sox had identical records when the regular season ended, forcing a one-game American League playoff at Fenway Park. Southpaw Gene Bearden pitched a complete game and Cleveland won 8-3 to punch its Series ticket. Was Robinson jittery for his World Series debut?

“You bet I was nervous,” says Robinson. “Everybody was nervous.”

Lemon started for the Tribe in the clinching Game 6 in Boston at Braves Field (which held over 40,000 fans as opposed to Cleveland Stadium, which had a capacity of over 80,000) while Bearden finished off the Braves in relief. Robinson was 2-for-4 in the 4-3 Game 6 win, including socking an RBI single off Hall of Famer Warren Spahn in the top of the eighth. The lefty-hitting Robinson batted .300 for the Series.

The champagne only started to flow, however, after the Indians players boarded an overnight train — no air travel back then —back to Cleveland.

“In the dining car was where all the celebratio­n took place. There was champagne dripping from the ceiling. That was a madhouse,” says Robinson. “(Teammate) Johnny Berardino, he used to do Captain Bligh (impersonat­ions), and got up on the table.” Robinson says the partying was so wild, then Indians owner and president, Bill Veeck, had to pay for the post-celebrator­y damages. “I don’t know what they amounted to, but we had a lot of fun in (the train car), I can tell you that,” jokes Robinson.

Fans were waiting at the Cleveland train station upon the team’s return, and a parade down Euclid Avenue followed. “From the buildings to the center of street, people were packed. Everybody in Cleveland was there to cheer us. We were all in convertibl­e cars, waving to the people. It was just a great celebratio­n,” says Robinson.

LeBron James already helped bring pandemoniu­m to “Believelan­d” earlier this year, when the Cavaliers won their first title. Can Francona and Co. kept the good vibes flowing in Cleveland through the winter?

“I’m pulling for the Indians. Who knew at the beginning of this season that (the Indians) were even going to be a contender?” says Robinson. “Maybe it’s their year.”

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 ?? ANTHONY DELMUNDO/NEWS ?? Eddie Robinson, only living member of Indians’ 1948 World Series title team, handed Babe Ruth bat to lean on when Babe made final appearance at Stadium. Robinson (kneeling to Ruth’s immediate left, and far r.) has drawing of moment (top r.) at home.
ANTHONY DELMUNDO/NEWS Eddie Robinson, only living member of Indians’ 1948 World Series title team, handed Babe Ruth bat to lean on when Babe made final appearance at Stadium. Robinson (kneeling to Ruth’s immediate left, and far r.) has drawing of moment (top r.) at home.
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