New York Daily News


Girl Scout treats will become cereal brands


BE PREPARED . . . for a new way of eating Girl Scout sweets.

The maker of the popular and addicting Girl Scout Cookies is getting into the cereal business, making breakfast food out of the tasty treats that have won hearts for generation­s.

That means Thin Mints fans won’t have to wait until their favorite Girl Scouts come around hawking the classic green boxes.

They just need a bowl and a spoon, and they’re in cookie heaven.

General Mills said the new cereal will go on sale in stores nationwide in January.

It will come in both Thin Mint and Caramel Crunch flavors, according to the photos first shown on an Instagram account called @candyhunti­ng.

Thin Mints — the irresistib­le chocolate-covered minty disks — are among the best-selling Girl Scout cookies.

And so are Caramel deLites/Samoas, the caramel and toasted coconut-coated cookies that inspired the Caramel Crunch cereal.

January also marks the beginning of the diet-busting Girl Scout cookie-selling season.

The cereals will only be available for a limited unspecifie­d amount of time, and some of the proceeds will benefit the Scouts.

Cookie lovers on Twitter could hardly contain their excitement.

“Health care is going to hell. Our election is a joke. But, people, we now have Girl Scout cookie cereal,” tweeted cookie lover E. Nist. “What a time to be alive.”

Twitter user Michael Dirksen was less impressed.

“People are flipping out about Girl Scout cookie cereal like they haven’t been eating bowls of thin mints and milk already,” Dirksen wrote. “Amateurs.”

Last month, General Mills launched its first new cereal in 15 years, Tiny Toast, which comes in strawberry and blueberry flavors, and uses real fruit in puree and powder form.

But critics lament that there are still 9 grams of sugar per serving, only one less than Lucky Charms.

 ??  ?? Girl Scout cereals will include Caramel Crunch, based on the Samoa cookies, and Thin Mints.
Girl Scout cereals will include Caramel Crunch, based on the Samoa cookies, and Thin Mints.

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