New York Daily News



It didn’t take more than a minute for the critics to start piling the hate on Mayor de Blasio immediatel­y after he (finally) wrapped his over-thetop State of the City speech.

And the haters are right. I personally hate him for settling over 150 outstandin­g municipal labor contracts which had been ignored by Mayor Bloombucks.

I hate Mayor de B for adding 1,300 cops and reducing crime to the lowest levels in New York City’s history, even as other cities hit historic highs. I hate that this happened even though he eliminated stop-and-frisk, which was supposed to spike horrible crime waves.

I hate de Blasio for adding or preserving 21,963 units of affordable housing in 2016, the most since 1989. This, even as we are still reeling from Bloomberg’s destructio­n of our beloved neighborho­ods with ugly, expensive high rises for extremely high rollers.

I hate Big Bill for overseeing the most efficient snow removal in recent memory — especially after the biggest snowstorm in recent memory.

I also despise him for reducing pedestrian traffic deaths through Vision Zero from 138 in 2015 to 85 in 2016.

But mostly I hate the mayor for efficientl­y building facilities and, in three short years, enrolling 150,000 children in pre-K (half of whom live in shelters), taking an enormous burden off working parents.

No wonder New Yorkers hate him.

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