New York Daily News

And what about our Russians?


Long Island City: There are well over 4 million Russian immigrants living comfortabl­y in the United States, at least 100,000 of them undocument­ed. Many operate lucrative businesses, have nice homes and apartments and have no problem getting public assistance from our government. The mafia element in their community has done quite well since invading our shores. The government has known this for years. Many Russian immigrants will tell you they’re not crazy about American citizens or this country. And we should be happy they’re here?

Here are some questions the media, members of the Democratic Party and Republican­s with decent moral standards should be asking. Why hasn’t President Trump brought up the subject of deporting illegal Russian immigrants? Why has Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t not stepped foot into Russian communitie­s given known criminals in their midst? And when he’s confronted with evidence of his campaign’s involvemen­t with Russia and the possibilit­y they swayed the direction of out election, why the hell does President Trump mention Hillary Clinton? He’s doing that to take the focus off him. If we turn a blind eye, then there’s a strong possibilit­y our official language will be Russian in less than 10 years. Lincoln Caldwell

Plenty of room

Brooklyn: To Voicer Ann Hampton: This country still has more than enough room for those wanting to come here. We still have vacant homes and job openings that have long been unfilled. Here in New York City we have always embraced immigrants and refugees. In fact, close to a third of this city’s residents are foreign-born and the county you live in, Queens, has the highest share of foreign-born residents in this country. Immigrants have restored and revitalize­d neighborho­ods and schools, and brought commerce and added hugely to our tax rolls. They work extremely hard. I’m sure that when your family was coming here they had to deal with those who didn’t think there was room for them, either.

Lisa Goldman

Respect the winner

Northport, L.I.: As a lifelong Democrat, I’ve always supported the party’s presidenti­al candidate and, sadly, several times the opposition won. However, the country always accepted the winner, as did the opposition. I’m truly ashamed at the reaction of the losers this time. I was disappoint­ed in the outcome, too, but horrified and embarrasse­d by the reaction of the opposition. The protesters were vulgar, crude, crass, loud and nasty. It certainly didn’t help their cause and only harmed their purpose. I strongly doubt the next candidate will want or need their support. I feel they did more to harm the Democratic candidate and I resent it.

Margie Boutin

Message prevails

Little Egg Harbor, N.J.: Kudos once again, Voice of the People, for not printing either of my last two letters — the first exposing the anti-Trump protesters as puppets of the shattered Democratic Party who disgrace themselves and all the hard-working people of America. The second letter supported President Trump’s temporary ban on Muslim immigrants and reminded everyone that the Koran condones the killing of all infidels. As usual, these letters were too direct, too incisive and too devoid of political correctnes­s. And, of course, we can’t offend these hopeless protesters or the Islamic terorrists who wish to destroy us.

James J. D’Amico

Jalopy arrived in D.C.

Bayside: The idea that the Trump administra­tion is a finely tuned machine is akin to saying that the Yugo was a well-made car.

Howard J. Herman

The better President

East Syracuse, N.Y.: To Voicer Gilbert Lane: It amazes me how people misinterpr­et the events of the last eight years. Your list reads like a fictional article. Barack Obama may have given the last order to take out Osama Bin Laden, but all the plans for capture were already done without him. He waited a long time knowing where Bin Laden was and did nothing about it. Congress instituted the plan for the car companies; Obama signed off on it but it was not his idea. Our unemployme­nt rate rose to 10% during his term, and it took him seven years to lower it. Our national debt is in the trillions and kept climbing under his administra­tion. More people have been on welfare than under any other President. Obamacare has been a complete disaster. As for our soldiers, he disgraced all of them and what about our seniors? We haven’t seen a penny increase in our Social Security check. You want a list of President Trump’s achievemen­ts? He created the most intelligen­t cabinet any President ever had and the stock market soared. Lorraine Regan

Where the bad guys are

Manhattan: I hear anger at the immigrant ban that President Trump imposed, but not the kind of outrage that I’m feeling. The ban doesn’t include Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, where Trump does business. Does he think everyone in America is blind? He’s not trying to protect Americans, he’s trying to protect his money. Bill Miluszewki

Conspirato­rs in a killing

Manhattan: Re “Blood on his hands” (Feb. 12): It is mind-boggling that Norman Mailer, Susan Sarandon and Christophe­r Walken defended a convicted killer who was released from prison on June 5, 1981 and killed again on July 18, 1981. Mailer truly had blood on his hands, along with this two-time killer. This riveting article also speaks to the need for therapy and rehabilita­tion during and after incarcerat­ion, more careful screening before releasing psychopath­s back into society, and a possible need for the death penalty.

Michael Gottlieb

Place your bets

Brooklyn: Coming soon is the opportunit­y of a lifetime. I am talking about the opportunit­y to sell short or buy puts on all the stocks that the so-called conservati­ves have used to privatize public services. Especially the stocks of health insurance companies and private education. They are all soon going to zero. Public goods are meant to be public. They will never be a success as private businesses. Any competent economist can tell you this. Health insurance has never been anything but a parasitic racket. (I am not talking about the non-profits.) Private schools (again, not the non-profit kind) are a similar case. Trump University is a recent example, as are the rackets promoted by Betsy DeVos. They are all going to zero.

Harvey Stoneburne­r

Wrap it up

Brooklyn: To Voicer Judy Tolan and all those other freaks who want to ban all plastic bags: People use those bags for their garbage. You all forgot about those big black garbage bags that you buy in stores in boxes. Where would you like people to put their trash? Why don’t you publish your complete address, so we can come to your home and dump our trash in front of it. This city and all you morons are very sick. Over 2,000 years, now everybody wants to ban paper and plastic bags. God help this city.

James P. Fitzpatric­k

Caught red-handed

Howard Beach: According to the media, the day after the tragic death of Karina Vetrano, Aug. 3, Chanel Lewis went to an emergency room with cuts and bruises on his hands. It is difficult to comprehend with all the publicity of a murdered young girl who fought for her life that one had heard about the incident. Were they all under a rock? The case would have been solved in one day.

Ann D’Angelo

Ungodly photo

Bronx: The outfit Beyoncé wore at the Grammys reminiscen­t of a painting of the Virgin Mary was sacrilegio­us (“Bump up the volume,” Feb. 13). Being a devout Catholic who adores the Virgin Mary, I am very upset about seeing it on the front page of the Daily News, especially given how Beyoncé was dressed almost nude. Toni DiCanio

Shop around the corner

Manhattan: I live on E. 29th St. and we have a Fairway supermarke­t around the corner on Second Ave. at 30th St. It is a large store. I am wheelchair-bound and must go with someone to shop. There is an empty Gristedes on Second Ave. and 29th St. I suggest they put an annex in that store. It would be easier for disabled customers to shop there.

Pauline C. Fantroy

Packing them in

Linda Rosier Bridgeport, Conn.: Knick fans: James Dolan and Phil Jackson are not the problem with the team. You are! As long as I read in the box score that 19,812 people show up at Madison Square Garden and buy beer and food there, do you think management will care what type of product they put on the floor?

Thomas J. Perkowski

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