New York Daily News

General to be McMaster of nat’l security


INSTEAD OF celebratin­g Presidents’ Day, thousands of demonstrat­ors lined Central Park on Monday to protest the presidency of Donald Trump, saying his election win was “illegitima­te” and his policies dangerous.

In one of several “Not My President’s Day” rallies across the country, protesters used the holiday to rail against Trump’s controvers­ial travel ban, and his rise to power despite a popular vote defeat.

“He lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes,” said Zack Winestine, a researcher from lower Manhattan, who carried a sign calling the election illegitima­te.

“Technicall­y, the people did not elect him. For him to be governing as though he has a mandate on the far right is not legitimate. Russia intervened in this election. The FBI intervened in the election. Trump himself ran a campaign based on lies and misreprese­ntations never before seen in modern American politics. He does not represent the will of the American people.”

Winestine joined thousands of sign-waving, chanting protesters who filled Central Park West for seven blocks on the Upper West Side. More than 13,000 Facebook users had said they planned to voice their outrage.

“No ban, no wall!” they roared. “The Trump regime has got to fall!”

It was a chant echoed in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and nearly two dozen other communitie­s across the country, where Trump was criticized for everything from police brutality to climate change.

Theresa Dilworth, 55, of Greenwich Village, carried a sign calling for Trump’s impeachmen­t.

“He has to get out,” Dilworth said. “He doesn’t represent the values of America or the American people. I’m a registered Independen­t. I’ve voted for Republican­s and Democrats in the past. But it’s just his ethics and his morals. Him as a person. He’s just bad news. I think he’s really brought the reputation of America way down.”

Alana Ryan, 17, a student from New Jersey, knows she is not old enough to vote, but said she is old enough to have her voice heard.

“I just don’t like his ideals, the blatant racism, the sexism,” Alana said. “I don’t really like any of his policies. I’m hoping to see unity and everybody coming together against Trump.”

A day earlier, hundreds of protesters, including Mayor de Blasio, rallied in Times Square in support of Muslim Americans. The “I Am A Muslim Too” rally was organized by, among others, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons. PRESIDENT TRUMP on Monday named Army strategist Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster as his new national security adviser.

In a brief announceme­nt from his Mar-a-Lago resort, Trump called McMaster (photo) “a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience.”

“He is highly respected by everyone in the military, and we’re very honored to have him,” Trump said.

McMaster, a 55-year-old career Army officer, called the appointmen­t a “privilege.”

McMaster served in the first Gulf War, Afghanista­n and Iraq, holds a Ph.D. in military history and has written a book about the leadup to the Vietnam War.

He replaces Michael Flynn, who resigned last week after less than a month on the job, after he admitted to misleading Vice President Pence about conversati­ons he had with the Russian ambassador.

Pence was involved in the McMaster choice, Trump said.

 ??  ?? Protesters at Columbus Circle show anger over election of President Trump, and face off (r.) with supporter of his.
Protesters at Columbus Circle show anger over election of President Trump, and face off (r.) with supporter of his.
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