New York Daily News

Report: Timberwolv­es ask about Rose


Could Derrick Rose be headed for a reunion with his former coach, Tom Thibodeau?

According to an ESPN report, the Minnesota Timberwolv­es have contacted the Knicks about a potential trade for the 28-year-old point guard. Rose played for Thibodeau for seven seasons with the Chicago Bulls before Phil Jackson brought him to the Knicks during the offseason. The ESPN report also says other teams have reached out to the Knicks about acquiring Rose.

Rose, a player whom Phil Jackson had hoped would help the Knicks reach the playoffs, has missed nine of the Knicks’ 57 games with back and ankle injuries. He’s averaging 17.7 points per game.

The Knicks (23-34) look like they’ll miss the playoffs for the fourth consecutiv­e year.

The Timberwolv­es are 22-35 and appear to have even less of a chance to make the postseason in the much tougher Western Conference.


The NBA trade deadline frenzy has begun on social media. The Celtics fueled potential trade speculatio­n on Twitter Monday night after the team’s Instagram account followed Knicks All-Star Carmelo Anthony.

With the NBA trade deadline just days away (3 p.m. Thursday) fans are becoming anxious about what will happen.

But the Celtics could also be trolling fans. After all, Taylor Swift is also one of their recent follows and it’s hard to see what role she’ll have fitting in on the team.

Celtics point guard Isaiah Thomas also didn’t help quell expectatio­ns after he tweeted an eyeball emoji, which sent fans into a tizzy.

Thomas’ tweet prompted Celtics assistant GM Mike Zarren to tweet, “Life in 2017: A player randomly tweets and ~20 reporters instantly txt or call you demanding to know when the trade is happening. Lol.”

As for Anthony, the Knicks forward has a no-trade clause and will have to waive it before any trade could be made.

If Anthony should follow the Celtics back, perhaps something may indeed be brewing.

At the very least, fans can always count on social media to make things interestin­g.

— John Healy

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